Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claims President Trump can still be impeached even though special counsel Mueller has wrapped up the investigation into the alleged Russian collusion.
“I think that there’s grounds for impeachment even independent of the Mueller report—particularly with the emoluments clause [of the Constitution],” Ocasio-Cortez told a reporter on Tuesday.
NBC News reported last week that a federal appeals court asked DC lawyers and Maryland about their claims that President Donald Trump is violating the Constitution by accepting profits via foreign and domestic officials who stay at the Trump Hotel.
The New York Democrat was not the only Democrat talking about what President Trump could possibly be investigated for next.
“This is about much more than just collusion. And so, from his point of view, he captured that message with just one word. Well, so, from his point of view, it’s all over, but for us it’s about collusion—it’s about conspiracy, it’s about corruption, it’s about abuse of power and it’s about obstructing justice,” Democratic Rep. Karen Bass from California said Monday.
The Dems appeared unconcerned about any investigation fatigue among the American people as their party plans to continue rolling out their legislative agenda while investigating the administration and prepare to campaign for 2020.
Democratic Rhode Island Rep. David Cicilline responded, “ I think we have to be responsible in the way we do it and kind of organized in the way that we are presenting this to the American people. But we don’t have the luxury of not doing it. Like, even if people get fatigued, we have a constitutional responsibility to do this work. I think the American people expect us to do it.”
However, Karen Bass placed the onus on what the media chooses to cover going forward.
“[The investigations] would suck the air out of the room if we weren’t doing anything, but we actually need all of your help, too, so that when we do pass legislation related to guns, when we do have a hearing over the Violence Against Women Act, when we do have a hearing over of voting rights, that it’s actually covered. So, we’re doing work but it is a question of what the media chooses to cover.”