Greg Gutfeld has had enough with Hillary Clinton, so he ripped her for her tone-deaf remark about the number of coronavirus cases America has.
Hillary Clinton tried to mock President Trump but missed and mocked the entire country’s suffering and pain and anxiety instead.
Gutfeld dropped the hammer on her, and told her flat out to go to hell.
“I can’t believe I’m going to say, there are no words for Hillary Clinton,” Gutfeld said as he began to rip into Hillary Clinton.
“She’s not only stole this joke, it’s not even a good joke, and the joke is based on the suffering of others,” he added.
Then he took her to task and told her right where to go: “I would say she should rot in hell, but I think she’s already there.”
“When you look at people suffering… by the way the infection rates are increasing because we are testing more.”
“And these are people that really wanted more testing, so you’re naturally going to see more infection rates.”
“But, if you see that as an opportunity to direct attention to yourself on social media, you are what scientists would call a scumbag, and you are somebody that we will not forget.”
“When this is all over and done with, she’s going to fall on the villain side. And I’m not going to forget it,” Gutfeld said and he sure looked like he meant it.