Working as a young lawyer in the 1980s, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren described herself as “American Indian” on a registration form for the State Bar of Texas even though that wasn’t true.
Recently, The Washington Post obtained another form that Sen. Warren filled out back in April 1986 for a legal license in Texas which showed that she signed the form and, in her own handwriting, wrote that she was “American Indian.”
Elizabeth Warren was working for the University of Texas law school in Austin at the time.
“She is sorry that she was not more mindful of this earlier in her career,” Kristin Orthman, a spokeswoman for Elizabeth Warren’s campaign, told The Post.
The newspaper quickly buried the story, headlined “Elizabeth Warren apologizes for calling herself Native American.”
Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, born in Oklahoma, has been accused that she falsely claimed minority and Native American status throughout her professional career.
When she first began working at Harvard University back in 1995, she approved being listed as Native American. The Ivy League school included Elizabeth Warren in its tally of minority faculty from 1995 all the way through 2004, The Post also notes.
Warren also changed her ethnicity from white to Native American when she was employed at the University of Pennsylvania. Warren made the request about two years after she started working at the University.
Elizabeth Warren has compounded her woes by undergoing a DNA test which showed that she was 1/1024th Native American.
After taking the test, she apologized and acknowledged that she is not a person of color.
Falsifying government forms is a felony in the United States, we hope that Sen. Warren will be held responsible for what she did.