Former Obama National Security Adviser Susan Rice accidentally reminded the public on how lucky we are to have President Trump leading the nation during time of crisis.
She did it by showing us how differently a Democrat would be dealing with the coronavirus crisis versus President Trump, as the FP reported.
Susan Rice appeared in an interview with MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell and made clear that blaming China for the spread of the coronavirus was wrong and racist.
Host Andrea Mitchell asked ““Secretary Pompeo has seemingly backed down a little bit from what he has been referring to as the Wuhan virus. We’ve seen this after a call between President Trump and President XI in China, but it did — the Wuhan virus meme that came from Pompeo did break up a G-7 foreign ministers call last week where they couldn’t reach agreement on steps forward because of the insistence by the American Secretary of State that this be blamed on China.”
Then she answered just as one would expect from a former member of the Obama administration, “Andrea, it’s shameful. I mean, for the United States to be race baiting and to be — a virus which never has a flag, can’t have a flag as — as being the providence of one country is designed to be decisive.”
She then flew off into nutsville when she added “it’s designed to stigmatize people of Asian descent and it’s not the way the leadership of the United States, the secretary of State, the president of the United States ought to be behaving, in the best of times, but certainly not in a crisis.”
“The reality is that viruses can arise in any corner of the globe and spread to any corner of the globe,” Rice continued “In 2009, when we were dealing with the swine flu pandemic, that arose in North America, in Mexico and then in the United States before it spread across the planet. So it doesn’t serve us well. It doesn’t serve the objective of squelching the virus globally.”
“To brand it in nationalistic or xenophobic or racist terms, we all have to work together on this. We can stamp out this virus effectively, eventually in the United States.”
Rice also went on to stand up for the lying Chinese government when she added “China may be able to do it on its side of the world, but if it’s not stamped out everywhere, it will come back, be resurgent and be our problem yet again. So the reality of this is we have a global problem. It’s worse in the United States right now.”
She also made clear that she has never watched any of the President’s almost daily press conferences when she added “It’s worse, frankly, than it needed to be, given the lack of preparedness, given the lack of focus, given downplaying of the threat. A lost two months where the administration didn’t take the time that we could have utilized to put in place the mechanism so that we have the masks, we have the ventilators, we have the tests.”
“And now we’re playing catch-up. But it didn’t need to be this bad.” Rice then knowingly lied through her teeth when she added “When the president of the United States gleefully says on Sunday that we’ll be — we will have done a very good job if we can limit the deaths in the United States to 100,000 to 200,000 people.”
“I’m not sure what circle of Hell one has to be in for that to be a very good outcome. It’s a tragic, terrible outcome and now Ambassador Deborah Birx, the White House Coordinator, is saying that’s the best case scenario. If we all do our utmost.”
“So this is a challenge that we have, first and foremost here in the United States, but it’s also a global challenge. It’s going to require all of us to do our parts from social distancing to supporting our health care workers and our first responders, and it’s going to require presidential leadership of a sort we’ve not yet ever seen from Donald Trump.”