Last Wednesday, a gunman opened fire at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, 17 people were killed in this tragic incident.
CNN’s Brian Stelter personally whined that Republican congressmen were “afraid” to come on their programming after the shooting. “What are they afraid of?” a CNN graphic flashed on “New Day.”
Chris Cuomo, CNN’s top ‘intellectual’ personalities, joined in on the fight. Chris Cuomo — who is known as a respected journalist and not an activist — called out senator Ted Cruz for allegedly refusing to show up and answer questions on the issue of gun control.
‘If Cruz thinks gun control improvement is not the answer, what is?’ posted Cuomo on tweeter. ‘Ask the question, Senator: what are we going to do to stop school shootings? Don’t just say what won’t work, work to find an answer!’
Senator Cruz responded soon, fact-checking the top CNN ‘intellectual’ personality. The Texas Senator said that he spoke for 15 minutes in-front of their cameras and CNN aired “NONE” of the interview.
‘That’s funny, I spoke to CNN for 15 mins yesterday about proactive solutions to prevent gun violence (like passing the Grassley-Cruz bill—which Dems filibustered—that would add $300 million for school safety) yet CNN has aired NONE of it. Why not air the (entire) interview?’ Senator Cruz retweeted Cuomo leaving this comment.
Senator Cruz has been slamming CNN for misrepresenting their effort to go on-air and defend Cruz’s position on the 2nd Amendment. This week, Cruz’s senior communications adviser, Catherine Frazier, savaged the network for complaining that the Senator refused to come, when the network actually gave her office little to no notice before the hit.
Senator Ted Cruz didn’t miss the opportunity to remind CNN of this inconvenient truth:
‘Gosh, I seem to recall doing not 1, not 2, but THREE town hall debates with Bernie Sanders on CNN, each 90 minutes long. You can accuse me of many things, but being afraid of CNN is not one of them…‘ tweeted Senator Ted Cruz.