
“There Has To Be a Price To Pay” – Nancy Pelosi Threatens Republicans Over SCOTUS Nomination

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi threatened Republicans Friday, saying “there has to be a price to pay” if Republicans move forward with the SCOTUS nomination.

“If the Republicans insist on going forward, then there has to be a price to pay,” she said Friday in an interview with “CBS This Morning.”

“This is totally, completely inappropriate, and counter to what they said when Justice [Antonin] Scalia passed,” she said. “But it’s no use getting into their hypocrisy. What we have to make sure people know, they must vote and must vote early, so that the message, — their voices, their vote — that that message comes clearly.”

Gayle King immediately asks Nancy Pelosi about the ‘arrows’ in her ‘quiver’ that she claimed to have before, suggesting they are running out of time.

Pelosi just played it off with a joke, claiming it was simply a figure of speech. But we all knew that actually.

What she was probably saying is that she has no ‘arrows’ at all and that she’s a fraud.

There’s nothing Pelosi or her fellow Democrats can do to stop the Senate from confirming a new Supreme Court justice.

Maybe when she says ‘there has to be a price to pay’, she’s just trying to get voters worked up to vote President Trump and Senate Republicans out of office, as if they are doing something so gravely wrong that voters have an obligation to give them the boot.

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