
Trump Thanks Actor Jon Voight After He Shared a Heartfelt Support Of The President

When it comes to who he will be backing up in the 2020 presidential election, Oscar winner Jon Voight made it clear that it will be President Trump.

The actor wrote on Tuesday to his “fellow Americans,” and posted a video about his continued support of President Trump.

“I say this truly from a place of God’s truths — our nation is stronger and wiser because we have taken a chance on a man who has become the greatest president,” Jon Voight said.

As for the upcoming presidential election, Jon Voight called on Americans to “continue this race of truths and stand with President Trump for his next win.”

Voight called the possibility of President Trump’s reelection “more than a win” for Americans.

“This is God’s honor, God’s trust for this nation,” Voight stated.

“This is America. This land of the free. This is our president, Donald Trump, that will set the nation to be the greatest land of peace and love — great again. God bless.”

“Thank you so much [Jon Voight]!” President Trump tweeted in response.

This wasn’t Voight’s first time to show his support for President Trump. As previously reported, the actor noted in another video that Trump “has [his] utmost respect,” while calling on Americans to “stand with [the] president.”

“Don’t be fooled by the political left because we are the people of this nation that is witnessing triumph. So let us stand with our president,” Voight previously said. “Let us stand up for this truth: that President Trump is the greatest president since Abraham Lincoln.”

Many Hollywood celebrities have tossed their money and support for Democratic candidates. However, President Trump garnered several celebrity supporters as well. The president, though, seems very thankful to have Jon Voight’s support ahead of his 2020 race for reelection.

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