Back in 2015, after the Baltimore riots, Ex-President Obama spoke about communities in the major Maryland city that are struggling with “abject poverty,” “no investment,” and drugs.
The Daily Caller reported that Barack Obama partially blamed the riots on the lack of opportunity in Baltimore communities, pointing out the very high rates of crime, substandard education, and mayor drug abuse.
Riots are likely to occur “if you have impoverished communities that have been stripped away of opportunities, where children are born into abject poverty, they’ve got parents — often because of substance abuse problems, or incarceration, or lack of education themselves — can’t do right by their kids,” President Obama said at the time.
Obama continued his statements by lamenting that there are “no fathers who can provide guidance to young men,” and that “drugs are flooding the community.”
Ex-President Obama’s remarks sound very similar to criticisms of the city lobbed by President Trump on Saturday. The President tweeted about the city’s crime and trash problem and asserted that Democratic Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings wasn’t doing enough for his district.
President Trump was immediately accused of racism for attacking Rep. Cummings and Baltimore, which he asserted is “infested” with rats and is a place that “no human being” would want to live.
The Democrats and mainstream media blasted President Trump with everything they’ve got which sparked an outrage on social media as well. Yet, it wasn’t a big deal when Obama said it.