CNN Kelly Sadler, the White House communications aide who made an inappropriate comment about Senator McCain’s health last month, left the White House where she served as a communications aide, sources with knowledge of the matter said on Tuesday.
It’s still unclear whether her removing from the WH was specifically tied to her comment about Sen. John Mccain, which triggered widespread backlash.
Senator John McCain, 81, was diagnosed in 2017 with glioblastoma, an aggressive form of brain cancer.
Neither the Sadler nor the White House issued a public apology of the remark, even after it attracted widespread condemnation. CNN Kelly Sadler privately called Sen. John McCain’s daughter, Meghan, to apologize.
CNN Kelly Sadler allegedly said the 2008 Republican presidential nominee, the six-term senator, and the ex-prisoner of war was immaterial because “he’s dying anyway.”
Sadler’s remark lingered as a story for days afterward when the WH focused on the leaking of internal discussions rather than the crudeness of her comment.
The daughter of Senator John McCain, Meghan Marguerite McCain, commented that Kelly Sadler should not only apologize to her father but should be out of a job.
‘I don’t understand what kind of environment you’re working in when that would be acceptable, and then you can come to work the next day and still have a job,’ Meghan McCain said from her seat on ABC’s ‘The View.’
‘I was promised an apology by Kelly Sadler, publicly, to my family,’ she added. ‘I did not receive that.’
The news about Kelly Sadler’s departure came right after Fox News learned that several WH communications staffers were informed that a major purge of their ranks was imminent.
According to Fox News, ‘Senior officials in the White House communications office also decided to cancel the large morning communications team meetings, attended by lower-ranking staffers, in an apparent effort to clamp down on leaks.’