The hysterical left will always find some innocent reason to attack First Lady Melania Trump. But this time the Twitter mob outdid itself.
They went as far as to go after the First Lady’s jacket, that she was wearing on 9/11, because they thought the stitching resembled thee Washington Monument and the button looked like a plane.
So they attacked and grew the outrage on social media until the White House spokeswoman had to respond.
The Hill reported that the White House fired back after Twitter users who criticized first lady Melania over a coat she wore in a photo tweeted by the President on Wednesday to mark the 18th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks.
White House spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham, who previously worked with Melania, told USA Today that it was “ridiculous” that some social media users called the coat insensitive.
Some Twitter users noted that the trim on the back of first lady Melania’s coat appeared to resemble a skyscraper with a smaller object hovering nearby, which and said that it resembled the images of the World Trade Center being struck by airplane.
“That’s just a vent on the back of Melania’s coat. It has a button to keep it closed,” tweeted one user, while wondering what the fuss was all about.
White House spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham, the former press secretary for Melania who now works for both Trumps, had this to say about this latest kerfuffle over the first lady’s clothes. “It’s ridiculous.”