
AG Barr Cracks Down On Sanctuary Cities, Files Multiple Lawsuits & Warns Of Criminal Charges Against Dem Politicians

AG Barr is on the move and AOC and Ilhan Omar will not be happy. Barr is filing lawsuits, issuing subpoenas and warned the Dems running these programs, that he is looking into filing criminal charges against them if they continue to defy the law.

“When we are talking about sanctuary cities, we are talking about policies that are designed to allow criminal aliens to escape,” Attorney General William Barr said in a speech to the National Sheriff’s Association.

“Their express purpose is to shelter aliens whom local law enforcement has already arrested for other crimes. This is neither lawful nor sensible.”

AG Barr also warned sanctuaries that he has ordered his department to review the law and see i9f criminal charges are possible.

“This includes assessing whether jurisdictions are complying with our criminal laws, in particular the criminal statute that prohibits the harboring or shielding of aliens in the United States,” he said.

“The department is filing a complaint against the State of New Jersey seeking declaratory and injunctive relief against its laws that forbid state and local law enforcement from sharing vital information about criminal aliens with DHS,” Barr said.

“We are filing a complaint seeking declaratory and injunctive relief against King County, Washington, for the policy … that forbids DHS from deporting aliens from the United States using King County International Airport,” Barr continued.

“Further, we are reviewing the practices, policies, and laws of other jurisdictions across the country. This includes assessing whether jurisdictions are complying with our criminal laws, in particular the criminal statute that prohibits the harboring or shielding of aliens in the United States,” AGBarr added, before saying that the DOJ would start issuing “federal subpoenas to access information about criminal aliens in the custody of uncooperative jurisdictions.”

“We are meticulously reviewing the actions of certain district attorneys who have adopted policies of charging foreign nationals with lesser offenses for the express purpose of avoiding the federal immigration consequences of those nationals’ criminal conduct.”

“In pursuing their personal ambitions and misguided notions of equal justice, these district attorneys are systematically violating the rule of law and may even be unlawfully discriminating against American citizens.”

“The Founding Fathers carefully divided responsibility and power between the federal government and the state governments,” AG Barr said, as Fox News reported.

“The ‘Supremacy Clause’ in Article VI of the Constitution provides that the ‘Constitution and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof shall be the supreme law of the land.’”

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