FL Man Gets 90 Days In Prison For Spitting On 67-Year-Old MAGA-Hat Wearing Trump Supporter, Ordered To Pay For New MAGA Hat

On Thursday, one twisted leftist was sentenced to 90 days in prison for spitting on a 67-year-old, MAGA-hat wearing Trump supporter in October.

The surprising justice meted out to Matthias George Ajple was attributable at least in part because the crime was caught on camera at Hurricane Grill & Wings in Vero Beach, Florida.

The BPR reported that the registered Democrat will not only sit and stew in the Indian River County Jail for three months, but he will also be given 12 months on probation, pay a fine of $695, and fork out restitution in the amount of $155 to Robert Youngblood, the man who was the target of Ajple’s abuse. 40$ of the restitution was approved by County Judge David Morgan to replace the MAGA hat.

Morgan had this to say about his ruling:

“It bothers me a lot that your stated goal was to punish (Youngblood) for exercising his political speech. Here you simply punished (Youngblood) on the spot.”

“(Your attack) was despicable. It was cowardly,” Morgan said. ”In our culture … to spit on somebody indicates a feeling of superiority, of disdain, and then you ran.”

As it seems, that may not be the end of the pain for Ajple, as Youngblood has filed a civil lawsuit against him seeking damages of more than $15,000.

The video shows that Youngblood was just sitting at the bar watching a World Series game with two friends, minding his own business.

The arrest affidavit for the 43-year-old spitter states that on Oct. 25, 2019, the “white male approached [Youngblood] and stated ‘You should go back to Russia you f***ing communist.’ After this statement the male then slapped the bill of Youngblood’s hat. The male then walked around the gate, leaned over it, spit on Youngblood and then left the scene.”

Youngblood was able to write down the license plate and police were quickly able to track him down.

The officer that arrested him wrote that at that time, Ajple told police, “I was just trying to protect you guys because I support Law Enforcement, Trump supporters are communist and racist.”

The affidavit also reflects that Ajple added: “I don’t even care that I’m going to jail, this is actually exciting. Plus I have more time on this earth than he does anyway, he probably feels so good about himself.”

As The Smoking Gun reported, the lawsuit that is in process states that at the time of the spitting incident, Youngblood “had just undergone cancer surgery and had 17 stitches on his neck.”

The complaint alleges that Youngblood suffered emotional distress “when Ajple spit on and about him including the area of his recent cancer surgery.”

“It was stunning,” said Youngblood. “We all went ‘what the heck just happened?’”

In spite of the assault, Youngblood said he will continue to wear his MAGA hat in public. “I will never stop wearing my hat that I believe represents what I believe.”

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