Joy Behar crossed the line when she told leading 2020 Democrats to just lie to the American voter about their radical agenda.
“They should not tell everything they’re going to do. If you’re going to take people’s guns away, wait until you get elected — then take the guns away,” Behar said. “Don’t tell them ahead of time.”
That is basically the left’s plan – lie and then do whatever the hell you want when you get in office, the voters be damned.
Well, former Tulsa police officer and champion competitive shooter Dianne Muller didn’t wait long to respond to Behar and called Joy’s plan disgusting on Fox News today.
Fox News reported that Dianna Muller pushed back on “The View” host Joy Behar for encouraging politicians to keep their plans to confiscate guns a secret until they hold office.
“It’s reinforcing the fact that conservatives feel like the liberals are prepared to lie, cheat, and steal in order to win,” Dianna Muller told “Fox & Friends” on Wednesday.
Behar was discussing former 2020 presidential hopeful Beto O’Rourke and said it was foolish of him to announce his plans for gun confiscation before he was elected. Behar advised all politicians to go after the country’s guns after they’ve assumed office.
“They should not tell everything they’re going to do. If you’re going to take people’s guns away, wait until you get elected — then take the guns away,” she said. “Don’t tell them ahead of time.”
Co-host Meghan McCain also weighed in on the issue and said that Beto O’Rourke – who has since ended his presidential bid – has poisoned the well and scared off independent voters from the Democratic Party.
“How disgusting is it that a woman with such reach and such influence on millions of viewers on a major network can propose for a candidate to lie in order to get their way and then impose a different will on the people,” Dianna Muller said.