
Joe Biden Regrets Racial Flub But Damage Has Been Done As Leading Black Celebs Bash Biden

Joe Biden’s racially tinged flub has come back to haunt his campaign and he knows he did some serious damage to his future.

The main charge Trump has made is that the Dems take the black vote for granted every four years and then forget all about them.

History is quite clear on that and remember, Trump only needs to get a few more percentage points of the black vote and Biden loses. To repair the damage he tried to apologize today.

The Hill reported that speaking on a call with black business leaders, Biden described the remarks as “cavalier” and said he never meant to seem as if he was taking black voters for granted.

“I shouldn’t have been such a wise guy. I shouldn’t have been so cavalier,” Biden said.

“I don’t take it for granted at all and no one should have to vote for any party based on their race, religion or background. There are African Americans who think Trump is worth voting for. I don’t think so and I’m prepared to put my record against his, that was the bottom line and it was really unfortunate, I shouldn’t have been so cavalier.”

The former vice president sparked a firestorm of controversy on the popular radio show “The Breakfast Club,” after Charlamagne said he wanted to continue discussing issues impacting the black community at a later point.

“You’ve got more questions?” Biden replied. “Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”

Republicans, left wing celebrities and even some Democratic leaders, blasted the remarks, accusing Biden of lecturing black people on how to think and questioning the racial authenticity of black voters.

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