“The View” co-host Joy Behar humiliated herself again with her new attack on President Trump, claiming that he only cares for being re-elected.
“So, Joy what was your take away with all this? What was Trump trying to accomplish with this interview?” Co-host Whoopi asked hoping for a cheap shot.
“Well, I know he is trying to change the conversation from the virus to the economy. So, that is his ultimate goal is basically to be re-elected,” Joy Behar said shocked at her own damn common sense.
“That’s his whole thing because no president has ever been re-elected in a bad economy.”
“But it’s interesting,” Behar whined on.
“What he fails to see is that if you open the economy this is what I think that if you open the economy more people will die.”
“They really don’t seem to care about that. His attitude is, and the Republican leaders that are propping him up, their attitude is let people die as long as it’s not us.”
“They Trump and GOP don’t care because they are getting tested on a regular basis, and they are all protecting themselves,” Joy said.
“But the rest of us can go to hell.”
“But the more you open the economy, the more virus you are gonna have, more cases,” Behar said.
“That only sets the economy back. So, he’s not just a malignant narcissist, he’s also a very bad tactician because it’s going to make the economy worse in the end as we get closer to November.”
“So, I don’t know what he is trying to do but it’s not going to work,” Joy said.
“Meghan what did you take away from this?” Goldberg asked.
“Look, Arizona is reopening right now,” McCain answered. “I have friends who I saw on Instagram who are working out at the gym and getting their nails done…sort of going back to life. What Joy was just saying ‘if we open up the economy people die’ well if we don’t open up the economy people are going to starve.”
“Of course there is the chance that disease is going spread but it’s a horrible Catch-22 and we’ve been out of work too long.”