Fox News contributor Juan Williams appeared in a new Op-Ed for The Hill and argued that President Trump’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic will hurt him with older voters.
Williams brings up the examples of Stacey Nagy, who wrote in her husband’s newspaper obituary.
“They blame his death…on Trump, Abbott and all the politicians who did not take this pandemic seriously and were more concerned with their popularity and votes than lives.”
Juan also brings up Herman Cain, and puts blame for his death on his attendance at a Trump rally in Tulsa with lack of social distancing.
Williams writes: “Now the death total is more than 160,000 and rising. And 80% of those fatalities are people over the age of 65, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”
“In 2016, voters 65 and older voted for Trump over Hillary Clinton by about seven percentage points,” he continued.
“The senior vote was critical to Trump’s wins in swing states such as Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Florida.”
“But in a July Fox News poll, Trump had only a one-point lead over his presumptive Democratic opponent, former Vice President Joe Biden, among the over-65s.”
“What was a strength for Trump in 2016 is now a split vote, not giving a clear edge to one side or the other in 2020.”