Conservative are having a blast mocking Senate Democrats after they polled if Americans prefer more Supreme Court justices like Ruth Bader Ginsburg or Brett Kavanaugh, and later delete it because it didn’t go as planned.
The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee posted a since-deleted tweet that asked followers if “you want more Supreme Court justices like Ruth Bader Ginsburg or do you want more justice like Brett Kavanaugh?”
Brett Kavanaugh, who was nominated by President Trump, was appointed to the highest court in the land in 2018 after extreme hearings following decades-old accusations of sexual misconduct.
On the other hand, Ruth Bader Ginsburg is one of the longest-tenured justices on the Supreme Court. She served since 1993 and has held onto the position through her many health concerns.
The Democrats’ poll, posted on Friday and it also isn’t a scientific poll, showed unexpected results for President Trump’s pick, as Kavanaugh took 71% of the total votes in his favor, which resulting in the deletion of the poll.
After posting a screenshot of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee’s poll for “#SundayMotivation,” Rep. Dan Crenshaw called them out, asking why the poll was deleted.
Many conservatives were also quick to mock the DSCC for the deletion of the survey that was in favor for more conservative justices in the Supreme Court.
They sure had fun time slamming them on social media. Here are some of the reactions posted on Twitter bellow:
Even though things didn’t went smooth becoming a justice, Kavanaugh found himself sitting on the “100 most influential people” list by Time magazine. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell praised Brett Kavanaugh as “one of the most qualified Supreme Court nominees in modern history.”