
Klobuchar Blames Trump For Increased Hate Crimes, Says “We’re Not Safe In Donald Trump’s America”

Senator Amy Klobuchar appeared on “This Week” this morning and blamed President Trump for an increase in hate crimes.

I have long condemned looting, violence, threats,” Sen. Amy Klobuchar said. “Joe Biden also condemned them,” she added.

Klobuchar said that this “is happening under Donald Trump’s watch” and “we are not safe in Donald Trump’s America.”

“Not only have we seen an increase in hate crimes, not only have we seen increases in crime, but we have seen 3,600 people die during the Republican Convention, Jonathan. Now over 180,000 people that died from this coronavirus.” she added.

“So, No, we are not more safe,” Senator Klobuchar said in anger.

“I think Joe Biden has a very strong case to make, about the changes he would make to make this country more safer,” she added.

“We have not seen this with this President,” she blasted the President again.

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