CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta lashed out on Twitter at Fox News Host Laura Ingraham after she took a swipe at him during a Thursday appearance at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in National Harbor, Maryland.
The Fox News host called Acosta a ‘narcissist’ for making himself the center of every story.
On Thursday, Ingraham reportedly said, “Jim Acosta of CNN: he’s a nice person. He was complaining this morning on television — I know that’s not news — he was complaining that President Trump didn’t call on U.S. media at the summit presser and that he only called on the Russian and the Chinese journalists. Well, it turns out, a producer just told me he called on ABC, The Washington Post, The New York Times, Bloomberg, and NPR. But he just didn’t call on Jim Acosta. The land of narcissism knows no bounds.”
Laura Ingraham added that Acosta would “probably get a better shake from the Chinese and Russian journalists,” a reference he latched onto when formulating his Twitter response.
“Of course Laura Ingraham sides with the folks at Russian and Chinese State media. Those are her kind of people,” Acosta tweeted, along with the hashtag #PropagandistsUnited.
On Wednesday, Jim Acosta complained that President Donald Trump called on Fox News host Sean Hannity and even foreign journalists instead of him.
Fox News host Laura Ingraham responded to Acosta later via a tweet that ended with the hashtag #America United: “Of course Jim @Acosta, who mischaracterized the Trump #Hanoi presser, can’t take a joke and reacts with invective,” she posted.
“‘[My] kind of people’ includes reporters who stick to the facts and don’t need to make themselves the center of every story. Try it sometime.” she added.
During hand-off banter with Sean Hannity to begin her Thursday night show, Ingraham offered to bring Acosta some “dried seaweed and elixirs” because “I think he’s having a hard time.”
Instead of complaining, Acosta should think about why he doesn’t get called to the press briefings. It’s like he has to strive so hard to make himself feel important.
Maybe he doesn’t get the call because he doesn’t ask questions. He just makes false accusations against the president and his administration when he gets the microphone.
Acosta would do well to spend some time back in school and learn how to be an honest reporter who states the facts and does not try to make himself the news.