On Saturday, a mother was arrested in-front of her child near Parliament of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia for peacefully protesting the Coronavirus lockdown order.
The woman, who brought her young son with her to protest, wore a yellow sign that read: “If you don’t know your rights, you don’t have any. Magna Carta.”
The protester told the police that the woman was not doing anything wrong by peacefully standing outside, however they harassed her and repeatedly asked for her name.
She refused to give her name to the police officers and that’s when the police turned into aggressive Gestapo thugs.
The police ripped the woman’s young son out of her arms as they arrested her, as the Gateway Pundit reported.
The young boy was kicking and screaming “leave mummy alone!” after the police forcefully ripped him out of his mother’s arms.
The police officers, who were not social distancing or wearing masks, said the woman was arrested for not complying with social distancing regulations. Watch the video bellow: