Sen. Dick Blumenthal in an unnecessary escalation dramatically raised the stakes with a threat to put Don Trump Jr in prison.
“If he fails to answer, he ought to be put in jail. If he fails to comply with a lawful subpoena, he has no privilege. Prison is the only answer,” claimed Blumenthal.
South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham didn’t wait long to respond to the Connecticut Democrat, as his remarks reached Twitter in no time.
“If I were his lawyer I wouldn’t put him back into this circus. The freak show in the house, I’m not gonna let it come to the Senate so we gave Mueller two years and $25 million and it’s over for me.” Said Lindsey Graham on Sen. Intel Trump Jr. subpoena.
Don Jr seems to also agree with this. His team released a short and biting statement addressing the issue.
“Don is a private citizen, who has already been cleared by Mueller after a two-year investigation. He has done 8-9 hours of testimony in front of Senate Intel already and 27 hours of testimony in front of various committees in total.”
“When he originally agreed to testify in front of the Senate Intel Committee in 2017, there was an agreement between Don and the Committee that he would only have to come in and testify a single time as long as he was willing to stay for as long as they’d like, which Don did.”
“Don Jr. continues to cooperate by producing documents and he is willing to answer written questions, but no lawyer would ever agree to allow their client to participate in what is an obvious PR stunt from a so-called ‘Republican’ senator too cowardly to stand up to his boss Mark Warner and the rest of the resistance Democrats on the committee.”
Don Trump Jr. also issued a series of cryptic tweets making his feelings clear. From The Daily Wire:
The first is a tweet by Republican Rep. Kevin McCarthy (CA), who wrote in response to the Axios story: “DonaldJTrumpJr has already spent dozens of hours testifying in front of Congressional committees. Endless investigations—by either party—won’t change the fact that there was NO collusion. It’s time to move on. It’s time to focus on ISSUES, not investigations.”
Trump Jr followed that retweet with another of McCarthy telling Democrats: “The Mueller Report is done. Let’s move forward. With the strongest economy that we’ve seen in 50 years, now is the time to work together to solve actual problems.”
Trump Jr.’s next retweet was Republican Sen. Rand Paul (KY), who tweeted in response to the Axios report: “Apparently the Republican chair of the Senate Intel Committee didn’t get the memo from the Majority Leader that this case was closed…”
Trump Jr. also highlighted a tweet from Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton blasting the Intel Committee chair for letting Democrats run it: “DonaldJTrumpJr subpoenaed by Senate committee for further testimony on fake Russia story. More harassment of @RealDonaldTrump world. Senate Intell Committee effectively being run by minority.”