Long-shot Democrat Candidate Comes Clean – ‘I Didn’t Think The Left Lied Like This’

Presidential candidate Marianne Williamson was a famous and very influential author before she ran for president in the Democratic primary.

Williamson was attacked relentlessly for the crime of pointing out the obvious – the establishment failed America so nominating an establishment candidate is political suicide for the Democratic party.

Is it a coincidence that pretty much since Reagan, America has chosen outsiders to lead us and hopefully to bring down the establishment on elections?

Obama was a total outsider, as was President Trump. Obama and Trump ran the same playbook against the establishment candidate Hillary to win, but this will never be talked about on CNN or MSNBC.

American’s know that the establishment is crooked and has sold us out in so many ways, so we want change. Most voters will give President Trump four more years to complete his mission while other voters may choose another anti-establishment candidate.

Marianne Williamson for one is trying to warn the left by coming clean and exposing their dirty side.

“I know this sounds naive. I didn’t think the left was so mean. I didn’t think the left lied like this,” she told the New Yorker’s David Remnick in an interview.

“I thought the right did that. I thought we were better.”

Breitbart reported that Williamson accused the left of lying about her use of crystals and “crystal gazing,” saying that there has “never been a crystal on stage” at any of her events and “there is no crystal” in her home.

She accused the left of also falsely accusing her of having told AIDS patients not to take their medicines or implying that “lovelessness” causes diseases and “love” is “enough to cure their diseases.”

“I’m Jewish, I go to the doctor,” she said, blasting the left for labeling her as an anti-science candidate who doesn’t believe in modern medicine.

Recently, Williamson also criticized the “political-media industrial complex” and warned the Dems that nominating a conventional or establishment candidate to go up against President Trump in 2020 could be disastrous.

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