Mark Cuban appeared in an interview with Maranda Finney, a Daily Caller White House correspondent and stunned the left by praising President Trump’s response to the outbreak.
Maranda Finney asked, “I’m curious how do you think the president is doing when it comes to addressing citizens of America during this COVID-19 pandemic, and what kind of grade would you possibly give him?”
“Look, I’m not gonna throw anybody under the bus,” Cuban started, “I’m not a fan of Donald Trump’s as president, I haven’t been for awhile, but, that said, he’s obviously adjusted and adapted, and he’s doing his best. We are where we are.”
“In the past, it wasn’t all that long ago when he was saying — people were thinking, wondering how he understood medicine so well.”
“They thought he was just a genius for being able to understand all this stuff, but now he’s kind of evolved to the point where he’s putting his experts upfront,” he said, as the Daily Caller reported.
“There’s a reason why Dr. Fauci became a rock star, and he’s only a rock star because Donald Trump stepped aside.”
“The head of FEMA, the surgeon general, there are just people who have really put themselves out there and put themselves at risk, and during the press conferences, he steps aside,” Cuban continued.
“He’s not even in camera shot, and that’s good. And I give him all the credit in the world. Do I like the side comments and all the picking on journalists? No, never have, never will. That’s who he is, but credit earned is credit deserved, and so I’ll give him credit where we’re at right now.” he said.
Cuban made similar comments during an earlier appearance on “The View”.
“You know, I’m not a fan of President Trump’s,” Cuban added, “but I’m not going to rip on him either because any senator could have stood up and said something and screamed loud, any congressperson could have, nobody did.”
“And so, I didn’t have high expectations for President Trump but I’m not going to throw him under the bus. I think it was a failure of leadership across the entire political spectrum.”
“No, I mean look,” Cuban added. “He’s doing the best can. Here’s what I’ll say, and again, I’m not a fan of his but what’s real is real.”
“When you have imperfect information, you make imperfect decisions. We’re not in a ready, aim, fire mode. We’re in a ready, fire, aim mode — and that makes it tough. And so, no matter what he did, it’s going to be wrong for some people.”