Megyn Kelly is calling out Joe Biden-endorser Caroline Kennedy for claiming that her Uncle Teddy was committed to women’s rights.
In responding to Kennedy’s cloying and cringe-worthy video clip about the basement-dwelling Democrat presidential nominee, Kelly took to Twitter to remind JFK’s daughter that “[Sen. Ted Kennedy’s] commitment to women’s rights?? Like the right to die in murky waters alone and scared at age 28 [because] ‘uncle Teddy’ fled the scene of the accident he caused and then never sent help.”
Megyn Kelly was referring to the July 1969 Chappaquiddick incident in which the late Sen. Kennedy, the Massachusetts Democrat, drove his car off a bridge in Martha’s Vineyard and never notified police until the next day.
Passenger Mary Jo Kopechne was trapped in the vehicle and drowned. According to most estimates, Kopechne could have been rescued Kennedy had timely alerted the police or other first responders.
Caroline Kennedy appeared alongside her son (JFK’s grandson) to say that, “I’ve admired Joe Biden since I was a Senate intern in 1974. He shared my uncle Teddy’s commitment to civil rights, women’s rights, and working families.”
Ted Kennedy only got a slap on the wrist with a two-month suspended sentence for leaving the scene of the accident pursuant a plea bargain. His driver’s license was suspended. Given the political connections of the Kennedy family, he avoided any criminal charges.
In the clip, Caroline Kennedy also laughingly claimed that she saw Sleepy Joe “in action” while she was U.S. ambassador to Japan during the Obama administration.
Many Twitter users agreed with Megyn Kelly on the hypocrisy inherent in Caroline Kennedy’s video clip. Here is a sample: