Megyn Kelly Tracks Down The Name Of Epstein’s ABC Leaker, Goes Public In a Comeback Interview

Megyn Kelly is back. After leaving Fox News awkwardly she was quickly kicked to the sideline by her new network NBC.

To say they didn’t like her me-first attitude is an understatement and she did left with her head down but with a fat severance check.

However, Megyn wants back in so she has a new youtube channel to make her case and she just scored her first major hit.

She has promised to harass media executives about “MeToo” as she faced the same behavior too, but mostly for revenge for an industry that scorned her.

Megyn can’t get a job anywhere, so she had no choice but to get back at them by airing their dirty laundry… Quite ruthless.

The Daily Mail reported that the producer who was fired for ‘leaking’ ABC News anchor Amy Robach’s hot mic revelation that the network killed off her Jeffrey Epstein sex slave story is revealed in Megyn Kelly’s comeback interview. also revealed that the staffer is Ashley Bianco, 25, an Emmy-winning producer for CBS This Morning, who contacted the former Fox News star directly in order to have her voice heard, a source said.

Bianco attended Emory University and worked as a producer on Good Morning America at ABC for three years, according to public records and social media.

Ashley Bianco was fired from CBS on Thursday after the network was informed by her old employer ABC that she had ‘leaked’ the footage of Robach ranting about ABC shutting down her Epstein story out of concern of push-back from the British royal family.

After being contacted for comment, Bianco hung up on Following her firing, she also has removed her social media.

On Friday, Kelly teased the interview on Twitter, writing: “I just joined Instagram – have a feeling you’ll be interested in my first post – coming Friday morning. Pls follow me there at: @therealmegynkelly. Have some news coming your way…”, incorrectly writing her Instagram handle, which is just @megynkelly.

The interview will be Kelly’s first step in making her comeback since she parted ways with NBC where she had signed a $69 million deal.

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