
Minnesota Gov’s Daughter Hope Walz Was Tweeting Out Intel To Violent Protesters Just Like Ilhan Omar’s Daughter

Few days ago there were reported that Minnesota Representative Ilhan Omar’s daughter tweeted out support for the protesters.

Minnesota Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar’s daughter Isra Hirsi, retweeted a list of supplies for “comrades” who are rioting in Minneapolis.

Isra Hirsi is the co-founder of US Youth Climate Strike and her Twitter bio says she ‘hates capitalism.’

Isra Hirsi retweeted a post from Twin Cities DSA (Democratic Socialists of America): “Want to help out your comrades protesting at the 3rd precinct (at Lake and Minnehaha?)”

“Here’s a good list of much needed supplies (except for milk! Water is always better for eyewashing than milk!! Please don’t bring milk!)”

When the 17-year-old radical leftist got called out by reporter Andy Ngo, she responded with a snarky comment.

The Gateway Pundit reported that similar tweets supporting the rioters were being tweeted by Minnesota Democrat Governor Tim Walz’s daughter – Hope Walz. She later deleted her account.

This appears to be how the Dems are assisting with communicating instructions and information regarding the riots – through their children.

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