During a press conference, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi blamed “a certain element of misogyny” and male “insecurities” for this year’s female Presidential candidates not breaking through.
Pelosi also struggled to remember the name of Tulsi Gabbard, who she got confused with her scheduler “Kelsey.”
Breitbart reported that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was asked in the wake of the final female Democratic candidate for president Sen. Elizabeth Warren dropping out of the 2020 presidential race if America was ready for a female president, Thursday at her Capitol Hill press conference.
“What does Elizabeth Warren withdrawal from this race say about the willingness of the American people and the Democratic party’s willingness to put a woman at the top of the ticket?” a reporter asked.
Pelosi said, “I so wish — every time I get introduced as the most powerful woman, I almost cry because I think, I wish that was not true. I do wish we had a woman president of the United States. We came very close to doing that. A woman who was better qualified than so many people who have sought that office and even won it.”
She continued, “I think we had great candidates that represented different points of view. Amy’s more moderate and middle America, heartland of America, articulate point of view. We are so proud of her. Also, Elizabeth, to get down to the final two who were still in the race so knowledgeable and the rest. I don’t know whether men think about being president from the day they are born and start running for that. I don’t think women do that. Maybe we should.”
She added, “I do think there’s a certain element of misogyny that is there. And some of it isn’t really mean-spirited, it just isn’t their experience. Many of them will tell you they had a strong mom.”
“They have strong sisters. They have strong daughters. But they, you know, they have their own insecurities. And so I think America is ready for a woman president.”