This Tuesday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi pledged that Democrats would respect the outcome of the next presidential election if President Trump was re-elected for a second term.
“Oh, I think we have to respect the vote of the people,” Nancy Pelosi claimed while addressing the audience at Cornell Club in New York.
“Winning an election is a decision,” she continued. “You decide you’re going to win, and therefore, you make every decision in favor of winning.”
President Trump notably refused to say if he would accept the 2016 election’s outcome, which sparked outrage among the left. However, since he won the presidency, Democrats have frequently contended that his win was not fair and that the election was stolen from his opponent Hillary Clinton.
“We respect the vote of the people,” Pelosi said. “I’m not sure that President Trump would have respected the vote of the [2018] election if we had won by a few seats, by a few votes — he would have challenged the whatever it is. But that’s not who we are. Yes, if he wins.”
Failed Democratic Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams also claims that she won her 2018 election, after losing by almost 50,000 votes. She conceded that she is not currently the governor of Georgia, but only because of racist voter suppression.
On Wednesday, 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris echoed Abrams’ claims, saying that Abrams, along with failed Democratic Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum, both “would be the governor” if their respective elections were fair.
There has been no evidence to support Harris’ or Abrams’ claims.
“We have to make a decision that [Trump’s] not going to win and that decision some times has an unease for some people who may want to go way in one direction or the not.,” said Pelosi. “But rather than saying we just have to win, true to our values, so that we can do so many good things for the American people.”
“But no, we have to respect the results of the election,” she added. “I don’t believe [Trump] would have.”