New Leak Reveals More Details About President Trump’s Get Well Call To Hospitalized Jerry Nadler

A new leak coming from the Democrats shows President Donald Trump in an entirely different and positive light.

A few weeks ago Jerry Nadler fell ill. It was caught on video and it was a troubeling moment. Now we are learning that Jerry Nadler had to spend the night in the hospital.

We also learned that the President called Nadler to offer words of encouragement, telling his long-time political foe that he was tough and would get through the health scare. The President also offered to help in any way he could.

Yahoo reported that President Trump put aside his sharp political differences with one of his primary congressional tormentors and made a get-well call to Rep. Jerry Nadler, who was briefly hospitalized in Manhattan in May.

On May 24, Jerry Nadler was at an event promoting speed cameras at a school in Manhattan when he appeared to grow faint. Sitting next to him, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio offered him water, but the 71-year-old congressman remained apparently dazed. Medical professionals were summoned, and an ambulance transported him to Lenox Hill Hospital, where he spent the night.

His staff later stated that Nadler had suffered from dehydration, probably caused by the temperature in the crowded gymnasium. They also stated that there were no serious medical conditions from which Jerry Nadler had been suffering. “Hospital was just a precaution,” one of his staffer told Yahoo News.

But while at Lenox Hill, Jerry Nadler received an unexpected call, from President Trump. The call has not previously been reported.

Trump and Nadler are both 70-something New Yorkers, but that has hardly brought them together in Washington. In fact, the two have been political enemies since the ’80s, when Trump sought to initiate a major real estate project on the West Side of Manhattan, which Jerry Nadler represents. Nadler and much of the community opposed the development. They ultimately prevailed.

Recently, as chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Jerry Nadler has led key investigations into President Trump’s administration. If House Democrats move to impeach President Trump — which Speaker Pelosi has resisted so far — Jerry Nadler would be crucial to that effort.

Those considerations, however, were put aside at least momentarily, in favor of more human considerations, according to several people familiar with the contents of the call. A member of Jerry Nadler’s staff who would only speak on the condition of anonymity said President Trump called Nadler from Air Force One as he was on his way to Japan.

The two of them had last spoken in 2017, about the Gateway project, a series of long-planned upgrades to train tunnels linking Manhattan to New Jersey and serving the entire Northeast Corridor.

The President now told Rep. Nadler that he had seen him on TV, and that he thought Nadler was “tough.” The President repeated that assessment several times, adding that he wished the congressman well and wanted to know if he could do anything more. The two men did not discuss politics or impeachment, according to a person familiar with the call.

The White House declined to comment on the record, but the seeming warmth of the conversation — however brief — contrasts sharply with what President Trump has said previously of Nadler. In a meeting with Republicans this spring, President Trump reportedly called Rep. Nadler, who underwent weight-loss surgery years ago, “Fat Jerry.”

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