Rep. Ocasio-Cortez got some more bad news recently. First, Candace Owens said she may run for AOC’s seat which would give AOC a tough race in the general election.
Now, Ocasio-Cortez just learned that her primary opponent – that a rising star like Ocasio-Cortez even has a primary challenger is unheard of – just raised a million smackers.
This is for a primary, remember. Rep. Ocasio-Cortez will have to spend millions just to win the Dem nomination.
And after that, if she gets through and there is no guarantee she will, she may face a well-funded GOP candidate like a Candace Owens.
Michelle Caruso-Cabrera is a former CNBC reporter and has just announced that she raised $1 million for the June 23 Democratic primary.
The New York Post reported that the former veteran CNBC anchor, will report having $800,000 in cash on hand — minus expenses paid — when she officially files her financial disclosures with the Federal Elections Commission.
The financial report covers the first quarter of 2020 — Jan. 1-March 31 — and the report is due April. 15.
“The outpouring of support has been amazing. Before Coronavirus people were stopping me on the street showing their excitement. And from the beginning the countless handwritten letters from near and far s from across the country have been so moving,” said Caruso-Cabrera said.
“The national and local messages are clear: I will unite. AOC’s reign of division will end. This early financial and political support shows unstoppable momentum. As they say in New York, ‘you ain’t seen nothing yet.’ “
Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign declined to say Wednesday how much she has raised in the past three months or how much she has in her campaign treasury or on Caruso-Cabrera’s fundraising numbers..
But Ocasio-Cortez has been a small-donor fundraising powerhouse. At the end of December, the democratic socialist darling had $2.9 million in her treasury after raising $1.9 million in donations the prior three months.