Pelosi Throws Temper Tantrum, Plays Politics With New Virus Emergency & Takes Cheap Shots At Trump

There is nothing worse than playing politics during a serious crisis, but that’s the nature of the swamp and one of the reasons America distrusts Congress.

Nancy Pelosi threw a temper tantrum in a shameful display of politics over President Trump’s response to the Coronavirus calling it anemic.

The truth is, no matter what Trump did Nancy would find fault. The left hopes that Trump will be politically damaged if we have an outbreak – think of that for a minute.

In moments like this, we need to come together and solve the problem not play politics – the Chinese have not been telling the truth so we need to unite and prepare for whatever comes our way.

“This is shameful,” Pelosi told reporters when asked about the administration sending a $2.5 billion supplemental budget request to combat the illness. “He puts forth a proposal now that is meager, anemic in terms of addressing this. Ebola, we did $5 billion. And now they’re trying to take the Ebola money and spend it here.”

“What he’s doing is late, too late, anemic,” she added. “Hopefully, we can make up for the loss of time but we have to have professionals in place, resources that are adequate and not use scare tactics about people coming back to our country.”

Breitbart reported that the administration’s request proposes spending unused funds earmarked to fight Ebola, with officials seeking $1.25 billion in new money for vaccine development and purchasing protective equipment.

When asked for her thoughts on President Trump’s comments about the coronavirus, Pelosi replied tersely: “I don’t think the President knows what he’s talking about. Once again.”

Earlier Wednesday, President Trump announced that he will deliver a press conference on his administration’s response to the virus and took aim at the establishment media for making the illness “look as bad as possible.”

“Low Ratings Fake News MSDNC (Comcast) & @CNN are doing everything possible to make the Caronavirus look as bad as possible, including panicking markets, if possible. Likewise their incompetent Do Nothing Democrat comrades are all talk, no action. USA in great shape!” the president wrote on Twitter. “I will be having a News Conference at the White House, on this subject, today at 6:00 P.M. CDC representatives, and others, will be there. Thank you!”

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