
Strzok Accuses POTUS Of Not Taking Threat Of White Supremacy Seriously Enough

Former FBI agent Peter Strzok appeared on CNN and accused President Donald Trump of not denouncing White Supremacy strongly enough.

“Well, I think the FBI has the knowledge through investigations of looking at all these incidents of violence within America,” said Peter Strzok.

“And if you look at these mass shooting events, the preponderance of these attacks have taken by individuals who have some link or basis to a link to ideology that involves some sort of racial supremacy.”

The former FBI agent added “That’s concerning because that is what is a lot of these cases driving people towards violence and it is something we absolutely have to be taking a stand against.”

“The FBI can investigate and the Department of Justice can prosecute it, but it’s going to take more than that.”

“We have to have the sort of leadership coming from the top of our nation all the way down in our government, in our society saying this is not acceptable.”

“Racial violence is not who we are and any instance of it should be snuffed out and stifled and denounced, not accepted, not both side-isms, but the sort of things that we hear coming out of the president’s mouth,” said Peter Strzok.

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