
Ted Cruz Humiliates Schumer After Dems Stunt Backfires & Lev Parnas Was Denied Entry Because Of Electronic Ankle Bracelet

Sen. Ted Cruz humiliated Chuck Schumer after the Democrats cheap stunt backfired and Lev Parnas was denied entry because of the electronic ankle bracelet he has to wear, as he is on bail for a bunch of felonies.

Ted said, “Scenes from the impeachment trial: Schumer invited Lev Parnas to be his personal guest today at the trial. Minutes ago, Parnas was ejected from the gallery…because he’s wearing an ankle bracelet mandated bc he’s a criminal defendant accused of serious felonies! #CantMakeItUp”

Lindsey Graham didn’t wait long to rip the stunt as well:

“The best way to sum up this whole debacle is to understand that Senator Schumer’s desire for Lev Parnas to attend the Senate trial apparently cannot be accommodated because Mr. Parnas has an electronic ankle bracelet imposed upon him by the court. You can’t make this up.”

NBC reported that Parnas was spotted, along with Joseph Bondy, his attorney, picking up his tickets for entry to the trial at the office of Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. Parnas and Bondy later said they would have to return the tickets to Schumer’s office.

Before he made his way to the Senate chamber, Parnas spoke to reporters and told them that if he were ever allowed to testify in the trial, he’s not sure it would change the minds of Republican senators, because they live in the “cult” of “Trump world.”

“Trump world is like a cult, and a lot of these senators are in the cult, so I don’t know if anything could change some of their minds,” Parnas said, responding to questions about whether his possible testimony could change the minds of enough senators to convict President Trump.

“But hopefully the public will know what’s going on, and hopefully maybe some of them, you know, if we get witnesses, and they really hear the truth, maybe the conscience will overwhelm them,” Parnas added.

Parnas reiterated that he wanted to testify under oath at President Trump’s trial — and that he also would like to see the President, and other key cabinet members, testify.


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