Sen. Cruz: “Barrett Is Going To Be Confirmed By This Committee & By The Full Senate”

Today, Texas Senator Ted Cruz declared “The last three days of hearings have revealed very good news.”

He added “they have revealed the news that Judge Barrett is going to be confirmed by this committee and by the full Senate”

Senator Ted Cruz “With two full days of questioning, we have seen that our Democratic colleagues have very few questions raised about judge Barrett‘s qualifications…”

“Instead, much of this hearing is focused on political attacks, attacks directed at President Trump.”

Sen. Ted Cruz also warned Wednesday that “the next fight” Republicans will face if Democrats assume control of the Senate will center on court packing. He railed against the practice, and used several prominent Democrats’ own words on the subject to support his case.

Cruz joined other Republicans in speaking out against the concept of one party exerting power by increasing the size of the Supreme Court so they can confirm judges whose philosophies are in line with their own.

Haley Rips Pelosi Over Viral Spat With Wolf Blitzer – “When They’re Asked They End Up Acting Like This”

Former U.S Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley blasted Nancy Pelosi Tuesday, over her viral contentious exchange with CNN Host Wolf Blitzer.

Nikki Haley wrote “They are so used to not having to answer hard questions.”

“And when they are asked they end up acting like this,” she added.

During their viral spat, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi resorted to mocking Wolf Blitzer and suggesting he and his colleagues are “apologists for the Republican position.”

Pelosi also mockingly and sarcastically tells Blitzer “thanks you for your sensitivity to our constituents needs.”

Blitzer pressed Pelosi on negotiations over a potential new stimulus deal in the wake of President Donald Trump seemingly reversing his position and backing an additional aid package.

Pelosi and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin have yet to come to terms on the framework for a new deal, and Blitzer displayed a tweet from Rep. Ro Khanna, a South Bay Democrat, who urged Pelosi to strike a deal with the Trump administration instead of waiting for a potential Biden victory in November.

Warren Makes “Clucking” Sound While Claiming Trump Is “Chicken” To Debate Joe Biden

Senator Elizabeth Warren appeared on the show “The Real” and made “clucking” sounds after suggesting President Trump was too chicken to debate Joe Biden virtually.

Elizabeth Warren said “He knows that he just got spanked in that first debate.”

“He got out there and he blustered and he strutted around. And a lot of Americans who might have been on the fence, might have supported him the last time around said, ‘I’m done with this guy.’”

“So I think that’s the main reason he didn’t show up,” Sen. Warren said.

Last week President Trump said that he wouldn’t engage in a virtual debate with Biden, after the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) announced that the planned Oct. 15 event would not be in-person to protect the health of those involved.

Trump — who announced that he had tested positive for COVID-19 days after the first debate — called a virtual debate a “waste of time,” claiming without evidence that the CPD is “trying to protect” his Democratic opponent.

The debate scheduled for this Thursday has been canceled, but one set for Oct. 22 is still on the books.

Biden’s campaign has announced that on Thursday he will instead participate in an ABC town hall.

Jim Jordan Hits Back At Joe Biden After His Remarks On Court Packing & Barrett Nomination

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) appeared on Fox Business with Lou Dobbs, and fired back at Joe Biden’s remarks on court packing and the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett.

On Monday, Joe Biden said at a campaign event “I’ve already spoken: I’m not a fan of court packing, but I don’t want to get off on that whole issue. I want to keep focused.”

Joe Biden has refused to give direct answers on whether he would “pack” the Supreme Court if victorious.

“He should tell the American people the answer to that fundamental question, are you gonna pack the court?” Jordan told Lou Dobbs.

“And by the simple fact that he won’t answer it, sort of tells us that they’re gonna do that if in fact they would get power and control of our government,” said Jordan.

“The good news is Lou, i don’t think they’re going to,” Rep. Jordan continued. “I think President Trump is gonna win, and i think frankly his gonna win big.”

Mitt Romney Scolds Both Democrats & President Trump In His New Statement

Today, Senator Mitt Romney released a statement on “my thoughts on the current state of our politics.”

In his statement, Romney scolds both President Trump and the Democrats and says “it is time to lower the heat.”

In the statement, Senator Romney strongly criticizes President Trump for calling Kamala Harris a “monster”

He warns “The rabid attacks kindle the conspiracy mongers and the haters who take the small and predictable step from intemperate word to dangerous action,”

Senator Mitt Romney suggests “It is time to lower the heat. Leaders must tone it down.”

“The consequence of the crescendo of anger leads to a very bad place. No sane person can get away with that,” he adds.

CNN’s Jake Tapper Says Trump Is Trying To “Kill Off His Own Supporters” By Holding Rallies

The mainstream media has been panicking with President Trump getting better after his COVID-19 diagnosis.

Many in their circles even hoped for the President’s decline in health and some are wishing for his death.

Now that he is better, they appear to be in absolute panic mode. They didn’t want President Trump back on the campaign trail and now he’s back and stronger than ever.

On Monday evening, CNN’s Jake Tapper said that President Trump is trying to “kill off his own supporters” by holding rallies.

If it was during Barack Obama’s presidency, the entire media would staunchly support anything he did and would be praying for him to get better after a COVID diagnosis.

It is more obvious now than ever that the mainstream media is not here to help the common people, like President Trump said.

“Blessed Be The Fruit” – Filmmaker Michael Moore Attacks Judge Barret With An Edited Photo

Hollywood filmmaker Michael Moore used an edited picture to attack Judge Amy Coney-Barret on Twitter Monday, the first day of her Supreme Court confirmation hearing.

In her Monday appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee, the masked Amy Barret was wearing a magenta dress, which Moore changed into red to look exactly the same with the red Puritan-style dress of a character from Hulu dystopian series, “The handmaid’s Tale.”

Barret is a devout Catholic and a member of another religious affiliation called People of Praise.

The Democrats have been falsely linking the judge’s beliefs to the 1985 novel by Margaret Atwood (also adapted into TV series recently), where fertile women were forced to live as child-bearing slaves, and were called handmaids.

Vox reports:

The inaccurate link between the People of Praise and Atwood’s story, perpetuated by a series of confusing coincidences and uneven fact-checking, first emerged in a Newsweek article and was later picked up by Reuters. Both articles have since been corrected, but the right was furious at both. The Washington Examiner called it a “smear that just won’t die.” Fox News noted several other outlets have mentioned Barrett and The Handmaid’s Tale in the same story.

To be absolutely clear: People of Praise is not an inspiration for The Handmaid’s Tale, and the group does not practice sexual slavery or any of the other dystopian practices Atwood wrote about in her novel. But the argument over whether or not the two are connected reflects the deeply contentious atmosphere in which Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court occurs — and the immense symbolic weight “The Handmaid’s Tale” carries in American popular culture.

As expected, liberals agreed with Moore’s tweet and see it as hilarious. But Republicans came to the rescue to defend Barret and mocked Moore.

User Lesa Carroll pointed out: “Nice misogyny Mike. I disagreed with RBG’S politics but I would never diminish her accomplishments. Mrs. Coney-Barrett graduated 1st in her law class, was a professor, a wife, a mother & and a judge. I bet she did more this morning before you woke up than you have done in a week.”

Joe Biden Mocked After Saying He Is Running “As a Proud Democrat For The SENATE”

Joe Biden raised eyebrows again on Monday for comments he made on the campaign trail. However, as part of his explanation, he recalled a time when he “got in trouble” regarding the questioning of someone’s faith.

“You may remember, I got in trouble when we were running against the senator who was a Mormon, the governor, OK? And I took him on,” Biden said. “No one’s faith should be questioned.”

That governor was then-former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, the Republican nominee for president against Barack Obama in the 2012 election. Romney was elected Utah senator in 2018.

While closing his stump speech at a campaign drive-in event in Toledo, Biden touted America’s ability to come out of a national crisis “stronger” than it was coming in.

You know, we have to come together. That’s why I’m running. I’m running as a proud Democrat for the Senate,” Biden said, “when I ran as a proud Democrat for vice president, and I’m running as a proud Democrat for president. But I promise you this, I will govern as an American president.”

President Trump mocked Joe Biden’s recent gaffes on social media.

“I’m running as a proud Democrat, for the Senate”. Sleepy Joe Biden today. It’s only going to get worse. It is not sustainable for our County – China will own us!!!!

“Sleepy Joe Biden had a particularly bad day today. He couldn’t remember the name of Mitt Romney, said again he was running for the U.S. Senate, and forgot what State he was in. If I did any of this, it would be disqualifying. With him, he’s just Sleepy Joe!”

Robby Starbuck wrote “He recently said “I am the Democratic Party” and I have to agree. Deceptive, mentally unsound, elitist, entirely unfit, able to be bought and a puppet for the far left. This man is not well.”

Alana Stewart wrote “This is no longer funny. Surely every American with common sense can see that this poor man is not capable of being President of the U.S. Twice now he’s said he’s running for the Senate. Don’t be duped that he’s going to unite anyone. #Biden #Senate”

Newt Gingrich Sends Warning About What Will Happen If Joe Biden Wins The Election

This year is shaping up to be a base turnout election. Both campaigns are not trying to win over persuadable voters, but instead of focused on turning out their core voters.

Some Republicans are on the fence because they buy into the Fake News Media’s narrative about Donald Trump’s “tone” and “conduct.”

In an interview on 770AM in New York, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich warned the GOP that the Left winning this election posed the greatest threat to American democracy since the Civil War.

“All the Left wants is power,” Gingrich began.

“It’s the most sobering choice since 1864 when Lincoln ran for reelection. If Lincoln had lost, the South would have seceded. Slavery would have survived. And the union would have have been ended,” he added.

“And we are [now] in a similar situation with people who do not like America, want to replace America, are committed to profoundly changing the world you and I live in. And would like to make us basically like California, where it’s virtually impossible to defeat the machine in California because they’ve rigged the game so decisively,” said Gingrich.

Democrats openly boast about wanting to abolish the legislative filibuster, pack the Supreme Court, add Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico as states to guarantee four permanent Democrat Senate seats, and create 20 million new Democrat voters by granting amnesty to illegal aliens.

If Republicans stay home because they want to think getting rid of Trump will allow a return to normalcy, they are sadly mistaken.

Trump Rips Nancy Pelosi, Says She Couldn’t Even “Pass Basic Aptitude Tests”

President Trump was asked during an appearance on Fox News about the moves by Nancy Pelosi, who is third in the line of succession as speaker of the House.

“I don’t think she could pass basic aptitude tests, personally,” he said.

“I really don’t. I don’t believe it.”

Trump also said he thinks Pelosi is mulling the formation of the committee because of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, not him, according to The Daily Wire.

“Well, I think she’s talking about Joe Biden because, to be honest with you, he’s the one that’s got the problem and … it’s obvious to anybody that watches him speak,” Trump said.

In her weekly press conference on Thursday, Pelosi floated a mysterious hint about the 25th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which says the president can be removed from office if “he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.”

“Tomorrow, by the way, tomorrow—come here tomorrow,” she told reporters.

“We’re going to be talking about the 25th Amendment.”

Section 4 of the Amendment states: “Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.”

On Friday, Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) introduced a bill to form a commission that would rule on the president’s fitness for office in order to “enable Congress to help ensure effective and uninterrupted leadership” in the presidency.

The panel, called the Commission on Presidential Capacity to Discharge the Powers and Duties of Office, would be “the body and process called for in the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution,” Pelosi and Raskin’s offices said in a statement.

“This is not about President Trump,” Pelosi said.

“He will face the judgment of voters.”

“But he shows the need to create a process for future presidents.”

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany later that day blasted Pelosi.

“That’s an absurd proposition from Nancy Pelosi,” McEnany said.

“The only one who needs to be looking at the 25th Amendment is Nancy Pelosi herself.”

The president also responded on Twitter Friday, claiming “Crazy Nancy Pelosi is looking at the 25th Amendment in order to replace Joe Biden with Kamala Harris.”

“The Dems want that to happen fast because Sleepy Joe is out of it!!!”

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