In a new NBC News Op-Ed, Gold Star husband and a retired Army officer Joe Kent made a strong argument contrary to the Democrats current attacks, and said that President Trump “absolutely respects our service.”
Kent’s wife was tragically killed while fighting ISIS.
The President visited Kent and he said that “His empathy and thoughtfulness on one of the worst days of my life won my gratitude.”
Kent writes in the Op-Ed: That voice from the doorway, though, was familiar because it belonged to a man I had seen on television countless times: President Donald Trump.
As he approached me, he extended his right hand to shake mine, placed his left hand on my shoulder, looked me in my eyes and said, “I’m so sorry for your loss. Shannon was an amazing woman and warrior.”
I still have no idea what exactly I said in response. The days after my wife, Shannon Kent, was killed by a suicide bomber during a mission to fight ISIS in Syria in January 2019 had been such a blur and, anyway, I’d never met a president before.
But (I am told) I thanked President Trump, and I remember he held eye contact with me. And in his eyes, I could see — unmistakably — the same pain I’d seen in the eyes of other senior leaders who ultimately bear the responsibility for sending men and women to their deaths in combat.
As we unclasped our hands, the president said to me, “Shannon was the real deal, we are lucky to have people like her willing to go out there and face evil for us.” He kept his arm on my shoulder.
You can read the rest of Joe’s personal testimony here.