
Guest On “The View” Describes President Trump’s Base As “Klan-like”

Tiffany Cross, a frequent MSNBC contributor and guest on “The View” described President Trump’s base as “Klan-like.”

“I wonder what would possess a president to say something like that,” she said.

“And it’s really because he’s tossing red meat to his Klan-like base that he needs so desperately to win in November,” she added.

None of the hosts on the show objected to her characterization of Trump’s base.

Cross later tweeted: “Whew! The 100s of msgs from #MAGA in my inbox this morning mostly read like this:”

“You f-ing racist Black cnt. How dare you call me Klan like. Maybe if your people didn’t waste their votes on Dems your lives wouldn’t be so shtty. #Trump2020”

“I mean. It’s like an SNL skit,” she added.

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