Border Patrol Council President Claims It’s ‘Absolutely Legal’ To Send Illegal Immigrants To Sanctuary Cities

This Sunday, National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd claimed that it’s “absolutely legal” for the U.S. federal government to transport illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities.

Judd appeared on a “Fox & Friends” segment and argued that President Trump’s proposed plan to do just that was “brilliant” and should’ve been cheered by people on both sides.

“It’s absolutely legal,” Judd explained. “But I’m going to get beaten up by the hard left for this comment. But this is actually a brilliant move on the president’s part.”

Brandon Judd went on to detail the “two layers” he saw at work in the proposed plan.

“If he’s doing it for humanitarian purposes, he should be praised,” Judd began. “These are cities that the city councils have consciously made a decision they’re going to accept the illegal aliens into their cities to protect them.”

Then the Border Patrol Council President addressed the flip side, saying, “If he’s doing it for political reasons, this is brilliant. These people have to be released for one reason or another. And if we’re going to have to release them, why not show the sanctuary cities the same pressure that other cities are feeling.”

“From those two layers, this is a brilliant move,” he concluded.

Last week, reports surfaced claiming that the White House had proposed transporting detained illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities once the legal 20-day detention period had ended, but that Immigration and Customs Enforcement had rejected the plan over public relations concerns.

Following the public reaction to the reports, particularly the response from the Dems who suddenly started to oppose an influx of illegal immigrants into the cities they touted as welcoming to all, the President has doubled down on the idea, stating that his administration is now seriously considering the option.

Freshman Democrat Breaks Her Party’s Narrative, Admits The Border Crisis Is Real:’I Don’t Think A Wall Is Immoral’

This weekend, Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-Mich.) broke from her party when she admitted that the crisis at our southern border is real and pushed back on the narrative that President Trump’s proposed border wall is “immoral.”

Slotkin appeared on Fox News on Sunday, and explained that her background in CIA gives her unique insight into the situation at our border with Mexico.

“The border situation is a national security issue, it’s an economic issue, and it’s a moral issue,” she said. “The sheer numbers that are coming over right now, you got to call a spade a spade. It is extremely difficult to deal with.”

Slotkin also explained the importance of giving Border Patrol agents the resources they need, and she dismissed the notion that a wall is immoral.

“We’ve got to make sure that the border forces have what they need in order to protect people and deal with them in a humanitarian way. You just make sure that they have the resources that they need, the bed space that they need. It’s a practical, logistical situation. I don’t think a wall is immoral. We do this every day in the military. Do an honest-to-God needs assessment of what you need and do it.” she stated.

The freshman Democrat is breaking her party’s narrative after the Department of Homeland Security continues to deal with what the President has declared a national emergency at our southern border and as the situation reaches a “breaking point.”

Her remark is also a slap in the face of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who earlier this year declared that “the fact is, a wall is an immorality. It’s not who we are as a nation.”

At the time, Nancy Pelosi took heat for her comment, getting called out by both Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who pointed out that many of her fellow Dems didn’t have a problem with border walls back in 2006, and fellow Democrat Rep. Steny Hoyer, who voiced his own disagreement.

Sunny Hostin Claimed Nielsen ‘Sold Her Soul’ & Warned That The Real Threat Is ‘Homegrown White Supremacists’

On Monday, Sunny Hostin from “The View” claimed that former Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen “sold her soul,” and that the real threat to our country was “homegrown white supremacists.”

ABC’s “The View” kicked off with a segment about the resignation of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and the ongoing conversation about the crisis at the southern border.

“I believe she sold her soul,” Hostin said of the departing secretary. “She became the face of separating babies from their parents. It’s going to take two years to find out the true extent of this horror. Thousands were separated from their families.”

Hostin didn’t stop there. She went on and suggested that the situation at our southern border, despite reports that illegal immigrants have been pouring into our country in record numbers, was not even worth mentioning when compared to the problems posed by “homegrown white supremacists.”

“FBI director Christopher Wray testified that homegrown white is supremacists are the worst threat to our country. President Trump keeps saying these people from Mexico, from Nicaragua, are the biggest threats,” she said. “They’re not. It’s our homegrown white supremacists.”

According to CNN, what Wray said was that the threat of white supremacy, along with other extremist views in America, was a “persistent, pervasive threat.”

“The danger. I think, of white supremacists, violent extremism or another kind of extremism is of course significant,” Wray said last week during a Congressional hearing. “We assess that it is a persistent, pervasive threat.”

Texas Rep. Michael Burgess Suggests Cutting Foreign Aid To Lower Financial Losses From Immigration

Texas GOP Rep. Michael Burgess appeared on “Fox & Friends” Monday, and suggested cutting foreign aid to the host countries of most illegal immigrants, to make up for financial losses suffered by our government.

“This bill is a bill that I had introduced before in 2014 when it was predominantly the unaccompanied minors that were coming across. I recognize that it was costing the taxpayer quite a lot to keep kids in shelters for 30 to 60 days until they could be placed with families in this country,” Burgess said.

“Deduct that amount of money from the foreign aid that’s going back to the host country or the originating country. So the calculation then was $15,000,” he continued.

“I’ve actually increased that to $30,000 per child because the length of stay has increased and it’s costing a lot more to take care of these kids in shelters. There’s, what, 14, 15,000 children in shelters right now — the taxpayer’s footing the bill for that. It makes no sense then to ask the taxpayer to send money back to the home country in foreign aid. Those countries need to step up. They need to do the job.” he added.

Rep. Michael Burgess also stated that it is hard to foresee a bipartisan solution for immigration when the Demos are pushing for open borders and abandoning border security.

“Right now the rhetoric I’m hearing and what I’m hearing in my committees and what is being discussed is people want no borders. The Democrats want no borders,” he said.

“They really do favor just having a region rather than a border and let the free flow of goods and people come just traverse that area. Clearly a country needs borders.” he continued.

“You’ve got to — if you don’t have borders, you don’t have a country. And the president’s said that and I agree with him very much. But the rhetoric that I’m hearing on the hill is one that is not in favor of strengthening border security.” he concluded.

WH Chief of Staff Tears Into Democrats: ‘Mexico Has Done More’ Than The Dems To Stop Illegal Immigration Crisis

Acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney slammed Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats for their inaction on the southern border crisis, claiming that Mexico has “done more” than them to prevent illegal immigration into our country.

Mulvaney appeared in an interview with “Fox News Sunday” host Bill Hemmer and explained that Mexico has stepped up to help restrain the flow of illegal immigrants from Central America into America by throwing up roadblocks on their passage through the country.

Mulvaney explained that from the steps taken in the past week one can easily suggest that there was more effort from Mexico than the Democrats to prevent the immigrant flow at the southern border.

“In the last week, Mexico really has stepped it up for the very first time. They’re preventing people from coming in on their own southern border down towards Guatemala and Honduras and they’re also accepting more of the folks that cross into the United States back into Mexico.”

“In fact — and I know it’s hard to imagine — but again, Nancy Pelosi runs the Democrats in Congress. Mexico has done more in the last week to help our illegal immigration crisis than Nancy Pelosi and Democrats in the House.” said Mulvaney.

Mulvaney also explained that illegal immigration has been the President’s “number one” issue since entering the White House, despite resistance from the Dems after they gained control of the House at the start of the year.

As Mulvaney stated, President Trump cares about other issues, but the security of the country must come before addressing many other issues, like health care.

“This is his number one priority. Keep in mind, dealing with health care is nice, dealing with the economy is nice. The president’s first responsibility is to defend the integrity and safety of the nation. And we really do believe — and I think, again, most folks are starting to agree with us now — that the situation at the border is a national security crisis.” said Mulvaney.

Last week, President Trump rolled back on his threat to completely close the border with Mexico after he saw them responding to the migrant crisis, however, he has left the option of adding tariffs onto Mexican goods, should the situation change.

Democratic Leaders Are Suing To Stop President Trump From Funding The Southern Border Wall Construction

On Thursday, Democratic leaders voted to file a lawsuit against President Trump’s emergency declaration. They hope the move will block the billions in funding the President’s accessed for border wall construction.

“The President’s sham emergency declaration and unlawful transfers of funds have undermined our democracy, contravening the vote of the bipartisan Congress, the will of the American people and the letter of the Constitution,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said following the vote.

On Thursday the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group, a five-member board that controls the House of Representatives’ general counsel, voted 3-2 to authorize a lawsuit against President Trump’s emergency declaration.

Their lawsuit claims that President Trump violated the Constitution’s Appropriations Clause, which gives lawmakers in Congress the authority to control funding measures.

This vote fell strictly along party lines, with Pelosi, Majority Leader Whip Jim Clyburn and Majority Steny Hoyer voting for it, and Minority Leader Steve Scalise and Minority Whip Kevin McCarthy voting against it.

“The President’s action clearly violates the Appropriations Clause by stealing from appropriated funds, an action that was not authorized by constitutional or statutory authority,” Nancy Pelosi continued in her statement. “Congress, as Article I — the first branch, co-equal to the other branches — must reassert its exclusive responsibilities reserved by the text of the Constitution and protect our system of checks and balances.”

This is not the first time congressional Dems have tried to block the emergency declaration, nor is their first lawsuit.

Both chambers of Congress, with the help of some GOP support, were able to pass a resolution that condemned the President’s emergency crisis. However, in the first veto of his presidency, Trump struck it down. Lawmakers weren’t able to obtain a two-thirds majority in Congress to override the veto.

President Trump’s declaration has also been challenged in court from a many of state attorneys general, led by California. A bunch of progressive and environmental groups are trying to fight the proclamation in the courtroom as well.

Workers and U.S border patrol officers stand next to an excavator working in a section of the new wall between El Paso, Texas, in the United States and Ciudad Juarez as seen from the Mexican side of the border in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, February 5, 2019. REUTERS/Jose Luis Gonzalez

After accepting the 1.375 billion dollars in funds Congress appropriated for border wall construction in February, the President declared an emergency on the southern border, authorizing billions more in funding from the military’s budget. Pentagon has already authorized the Army Corps of Engineers to shift $1 billion to the southern border wall.

When the President originally made his crisis declaration, he predicted it would face a lawsuit that would eventually make its way to the Supreme Court.

“We will have a national emergency, and then we will then be sued, and they will sue us in the 9th Circuit, even though it shouldn’t be there,” President Trump stated back in February. “And we will possibly get a bad ruling, and then we’ll get another bad ruling. And then we’ll end up in the Supreme Court, and hopefully, we’ll get a fair shake.”

DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen Claims Border Smugglers Are Operating ‘Child Recycling Rings’

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen explained Tuesday how human smugglers are operating “child recycling rings” to thwart United States Customs and Border Protection.

During her appearance on Fox News’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Nielsen spoke about the escalating border crisis that is presenting new problems and demanding a variety of defensive measures.

The DHS secretary claimed that human “smugglers are more active than ever before” at our southern border and they have come up with a new tactic to promote illegal immigration.

“We’ve broken up child recycling rings — if you can believe it — in the last couple of months, which is where smugglers pick up a child, they give it to adults to present themselves as a family once they get over — because, as you know, we can only hold families for 20 days — they send the child back and bring the child back with another family. Another fake family” she explained.

She also stated that President Trump “will take ever action within his authority to stop this flow.” Nielsen has previously discussed the child recycling rings in a report for the Daily Caller back in March.

The DHS secretary described the majority of the illegals that are claiming asylum at the border as “economic refugees” as she reminded viewers that crossing the United States border illegally “is a crime.”

Nielsen stated that the Trump administration is considering remedies like closing the southern border and revoking birthright citizenship: “All of this is on the table,” she told Fox.

The secretary also criticized “a lot of court decisions” that she claims do not fully comprehend the border crisis, which she said, “In my opinion, right now, this is one of, if not the biggest, crisis this country has faced in a decade.”

DHS Officials Are Warning That An ‘Illegal Immigration Superhighway’ Has Formed in Mexico & Could Bring Caravan Of 20,000 Migrants

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) continues to alarm the public about the crisis at the southern border, a crisis that now includes an “illegal immigrant superhighway” that could wreak havoc for United States immigration officials and their very limited resources.

DHS previously stated that more than 100,000 migrants were apprehended in March alone. But because the detention centers used by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) are at full capacity, Border Patrol was forced to release many thousands of immigrants into the United States.

The immigrants that’re not released on our soil are kept in ICE facilities where they often receive medical treatment. As many as 2,000 migrants receive medical attention per month, immigration officials reported.

The influx of immigrant families in March put a big strain on resources at our southern border, but it does not look like immigration officials are going to catch a break anytime soon.

One senior DHS official stated that immigrants have been barreling through Mexico from many Central American countries en route to the United States, telling the Washington Times, “The result is an illegal immigration superhighway that’s flowing through Mexico.”

Mexican officials echoed that sentiment, noting that a new caravan of around 20,000 immigrants is currently on its way to their north border.

This “superhighway” is one of the most important reasons the President announced foreign aid cuts to Central America for putting forward more effort to deter immigrants. White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney stated that he wants to see more effort put forward by these countries to help the United States address the crisis at the border.

“There’s a lot of good ways to help solve this problem [at the border]. Congress could do it, but they’re not going to. Mexico could help us do it, they need to do a little more. Honduras could do more. Nicaragua could do more. El Salvador could do more. And if we’re going to give these countries hundreds of millions of dollars, we would like them to do more.”

On Monday morning, President Donald Trump made a similar call to Democrats on Twitter, asking them to work with Republicans to reform the asylum process in the United States so that migrants are not just released into the country when detention facilities reach capacity.

Other Republicans echoed President Donald Trump’s points, calling for Democrats to take a serious look at our southern border and make the right decision.

Trump Threatens Mexico:’We Will Close The Damn Border’ If They Don’t Stop The Caravans

During a Thursday night rally in Michigan, President Trump threatened to close the southern border if the Mexican government doesn’t take more active measures to quell the migrant flood.

The President lamented the massive rise in the arrival of migrants at our border with Mexico, declaring, “Mexico could stop them so easy. … If they don’t, it’s going to cost them a hell of a lot of money. … We will close the damn border.”

This was the President repeating the threat he made in his Thursday tweet in light of new numbers from Customs and Border Patrol, which show tens of thousands of migrants arriving at our border with Mexico while immigration centers are already filled at maximum capacity.

“Mexico is doing NOTHING to help stop the flow of illegal immigrants to our Country. They are all talk and no action. Likewise, Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador have taken our money for years, and do Nothing. The Dems don’t care, such BAD laws. May close the Southern Border!” posted President Trump.

President Trump also reiterated his threat to close the south border on Twitter Friday morning, saying Mexico makes “$100 billion a year” from the United States and has the strongest immigration laws anywhere in the world and therefore should “stop illegals from entering” the U.S. “through their country.”

CBP Commissioner Kevin McAleenan spoke to reporters and said the situation at the border is nearing a “breaking point,” adding, “CBP is facing an unprecedented humanitarian and border security crisis all along our Southwest border — and nowhere has that crisis manifested more acutely than here in El Paso.”

CBP added that they were on pace to have 100,000 apprehensions and encounters with migrants illegally entering our country, with the highest month in more than 10 years.

The commissioner also said that the situation is becoming so dire that migrants are not even being processed and instead directly released into the United States because there are no facilities to house all of them.

Many Officials say what makes the situation especially dangerous is that the illegal immigrants being arrested are migrants requesting asylum who are caught and released into America for months or even years before appearing before a judge.

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