Trump’s Administration Overrules Dianne Feinstein – Pushes 9th Circuit Nominees Without Consulting Her

President Donald Trump is following through his promise to remake the federal judiciary. He has been successful while facing stiff resistance from the Democrats.

The Democratic party members have used many parliamentary tricks to delay and even block some of the President’s judges, including the blue slip process.

This process allows home state Senators to block judges and has given Dianne Feinstein outsized influence over the picks.

This week the senate will consider two more conservative nominees selected by the President to sit on the left-leaning 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

That is because the nominees, Dan Collins and Ken Lee, were picked without any input from either Dianne Feinstein or Kamala Harris, California’s two Democrat senators. Traditionally, the White House seeks to obtain a so-called “blue slip,” from a judicial nominee’s two home state senators before pressing on with their nominations.

The Trump administration, however, has disregarded that process as it continues it’s push to transform the appellate court that President Trump repeatedly derided as hopelessly biased and “disgraceful.”

“I take it that without notice or discussion, the blue slip is essentially dead,” said Feinstein, the ranking member on the Senate Judiciary Committee, in televised remarks on Thursday. “This change in practice not only harms the Senate, it harms the federal judiciary. And I wish we could’ve had an opportunity to discuss it. I really believe it’s a mistake.”

“Before President Trump took office, the blue slip had been a Senate practice for nearly one century. And during the past 100 years, before this presidency, the Senate confirmed only five judges with only one blue slip, and the last one was in 1989 – and in 100 years the Senate had never confirmed a judge without two blue slips.” she continued.

But “since President Trump took office,” Feinstein charged, “Republicans have held hearings for 12 circuit court nominees and voted to confirm seven – seven – over the objection of home-state Democrats.”

Feinstein continued: “There is no justification for disregarding Democratic blue slips. Democratic senators have made and continue to make good faith efforts to find consensus picks for the circuit courts.”

“As Senator Harris and I have made clear, we’ve been willing to work from the start with this president to choose consensus, mainstream nominees to the 9th Circuit,” Feinstein added. “One of the things I’ve learned is: what goes around, comes around. I had hoped that we would be able to work in a very cooperative way.”

Back in January, Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris complained to the White House with a similar statement, “We are deeply disappointed that the White House has chosen to re-nominate Daniel Collins and Kenneth Lee to the 9th Circuit. We made clear our opposition to these individuals and told the White House we wanted to work together to come to consensus on a new package of nominees.”

WATCH: Senator Lindsey Graham Is ‘Calling In All The Officials Who Signed Carter Page FISA Warrant To Testify’

On Sunday, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Senator Lindsey Graham appeared on Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo and discussed the Mueller Report and upcoming senate investigations and hearings.

Senator Graham said he was planing to call in all of the officials who signed the controversial Carter Page FISA warrants.

Former FBI Director James Comey, former Deputy Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and former Attorney General Sally Yates were all required to sign off on the FISC warrant application before it was reviewed and approved.

Senator Graham said he is going to investigate how the DOJ could use a document to spy on President Trump’s officials that has not been certified to this very day.

“I know Bill Barr and he’s pretty upset about how all of this was handled… I hope there is a special counsel appointed to look at DOJ corruption and political bias… I think it’s important to understand that political bias probably drove the Clinton outcome and not the facts…” said Graham.

“I just want the American people to know that the standards used against Clinton is an outlier. It’s not the way business is done. And why did they choose that path? I think they had a political bias. They wanted Clinton to win, Trump to lose…” he continued.

“Well May 1st, Barr is going to bring the Mueller Report over… I’m going to turn looking toward the counter-intelligence investigation. How the Clinton email investigation was handled and FISA abuse.” he added.

Kellyanne Conway Tears Into Chris Wallace After ‘Inappropriate’ Question:’What Are You, Oprah Now?’

Kellyanne Conway snapped at Chris Wallace, “Fox News Sunday” host, over what she deemed an “inappropriate” question about the state of her marriage.

Attorney George Conway is a vocal critic of President Trump as he called him, among other things, a narcissist and claimed that he’s “unfit for office” — but what makes his criticisms of particular interest to many in the mainstream media is the fact that he is married to White House senior adviser Kellyanne Conway.

Wallace brought up several of George’s recent tweets during a Sunday morning interview with Kellyanne Conway, while also mentioning the President’s response to the attacks.

“I don’t want you to fight,” Wallace explained. “I guess the question I have to ask, bottom line, final question, has this hurt your marriage?”

Conway immediately snapped back, calling his question “inappropriate.”

“What are you, Oprah now? What, am I on a couch and you are a psychiatrist? I think it’s a really inappropriate question, and here’s why. That’s the line over which nobody should have crossed. So, if you want to talk about policy issues, policy disagreement, the fact that George Conway, my husband, would prefer that I not work in the White House, I guess you can ask those questions.”

“The president has weighed in, I’ve weighed in as modestly as I can. But now you’re asking a very personal question and I would say to you, you should go ask it of many people. I see messy lives living in glass houses all over both cities in which I live.”

“I’m surprised that people would ask that question,” Conway continued. She went on to call out few other media personalities who had asked many similar questions regarding the state of her marriage, saying, “I have seen homewreckers on TV as marital experts all of a sudden. It’s very amusing to me but I think people knew they crossed the line when they’re talking about people’s marriages.”

“My family has a right to their private life also,” Conway concluded. “I have children who are 14, 14, 11 and nine. And the reason it gets so much coverage, particularly by the mainstream media, is because George Conway now agrees with them.”

Wallace ended the segment with an apology. “As I said, I’m not comfortable asking it, it is what people are talking about,” he said. “If I offended you, I’m sorry.”

‘Unplanned’ Leading Actress Opens Up About Alyssa Milano’s Attack On Georgia’s Pro-Life Bill

Ashley Bratcher, star of the biopic “Unplanned,” responded to a letter written by abortion advocate Alyssa Milano to Georgia House Speaker David Ralston and Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp in which she is threatening to boycott the state if a proposed pro-life heartbeat bill passes.

Abortion advocate Alyssa Milano bashed H.B. 481, the Living Infants Fairness and Equality (LIFE) Act, which bans abortions if a heartbeat is detected. As many as fifty celebrities have signed the letter in solidarity.

Bratcher responded on Deadline saying she’s a “proud Georgian” and that she is “incredibly proud of my home state for taking a stand in the fight for life amidst backlash and dubious threats”:

For the latter part of a year I’ve watched as women I’ve admired, like you, spoke out in regards to women’s rights, more specifically women’s reproductive rights. With radical laws like the ones in New York and Vermont being passed, it’s more critical than ever that we are using our voices to fight for the rights of women. One problem, you’re forgetting about the rights of women within the womb. If feminism is all about equal rights, then where are her rights?

She also criticized Milano for saying that the “state leaders are going down a divisive road once again, refighting culture wars and jeopardizing one of the state’s biggest sources of revenue.”

Well Alyssa, let me make something very clear to you. In Georgia, we care just as much about being pro-life as being pro-film. We don’t believe in putting a price tag on the value of a human life. Our brave leaders have stepped up to say enough is enough, we will no longer sit idly by as innocent lives are taken by the thousands each day. If you fault Georgia for choosing to be morally correct over politically correct, then that says more of your personal agenda than the goal of our governor to protect life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all. You claim that the HB481 “Heartbill Bill” would make Georgia the most regressive state in the country; I couldn’t disagree more. Abortion is so 1973. Welcome to 2019, a time in which medical advances preserve the life of babies born as early as 21 weeks. In case you didn’t know, that’s three weeks earlier than what most states in the U.S. consider “viable” in their abortion legislation.

Bratcher, who portrays pro-life advocate Abby Johnson in the film, also argues that women do not seek abortions because they feel “empowered,” but because the influence of modern feminists who claim women cannot be mothers and successful at the same time. She goes on to say that Hollywood’s glamour has lost its appeal to Americans.

“How sad it is that tax credits are a more important topic than the sanctity of human life,” she concludes. “Mother to mother, I invite you to see my new movie, ‘Unplanned.’ Abby Johnson’s testimony changed my life. Who knows, maybe it could change yours too.”

“Unplanned” is based on the memoir by Abby Johnson, an ex Planned Parenthood employee who left the abortion organization and become a pro-life advocate. It opens in theaters on March 29th.

Judge Jeanine Pirro Rips Mueller and the Democrats With Her Opening Statement

Host Judge Jeanine Pirro is back on Fox News after her show “Justice w/ Judge Jeanine” was preempted again last week by an encore showing of the FNC-produced documentary “Scandalous: The Trial of William Kennedy Smith.”

Judge Jeanine on her return to networks ripped Mueller and the Democrats to pieces with her opening statement.

Jeanine warns this will not be the last time the establishment will try to sabotage President Donald Trump’s presidency.

Jeanine Pirro went to Twitter and blasted those who are after the President and his administration.

Don’t be satisfied with the Mueller report. This is bound to happen again b/c these arrogant, condescending, lying, leaking haters of you,me & the America that doesn’t have power, will do it again. And the only way to stop them is with justice. True justice- behind bars justice,” Judge Jeanine tweeted.

After two weeks of silence from the former New York prosecutor, Judge Jeanine returned with a bam, slamming Muellers report in one swoop.

Her fans and viewers are pleased to see her back on the air and hope that Fox Network have learned their lesson, not to mess with conservatives.

Laura Ingraham Burns Rachel Maddow For Wearing ‘Tin Foil Hat’ & Her Russia Theories

Fox News host Laura Ingraham teased MSNBC host Rachel Maddow as a “tin foil hat wearer” whose “Russia theories fell flat.”

Host Ingraham began her Friday night show on Fox News with a “somber note for our friends in the press” who “had to deliver the terrible news that the president of the United States did not conspire with a foreign government to steal an American election.”

“It looks like their dogs died or something,” Ingraham quipped after showing a video of other hosts reacting to the latest Mueller report news.

“All of their dogs died. They are all depressed. In the aftermath of a two-year nonstop hype machine, you might think they’d take a moment and examine their errors, a little introspection, a little thinking about what went wrong. Everything that caused them to overreach.”

Instead, the Fox News host contended, they have “moved on to cover all of the new Trump scandals” regardless of how “miniscule the story.”

“It gets better,” said Ingraham, moving to Maddow after showing more video. “Still reeling from being exposed as a tinfoil hat wearer after her Russia theories all fell flat, Rachel Maddow has a new conspiracy to unravel.”

The Maddow clip showed the MSNBC host speculating that the President’s administration “actually has no plan to go back to the moon” because of something Vice President Mike Pence said in a speech.

“At least she didn’t actually call into question the moon landing, that’s good,” Ingraham joked.

Charles Payne Annihilates Holder’s Claims That America Was Never ‘Great’ With His Personal Family Story

Fox Business Network’s “Making Money” host Charles Payne, used his own family story to show just how former Attorney General Eric Holder is wrong for questioning if America was ever “great” to begin with.

Eric Holder, who served in the former Obama administration, appeared on MSNBC on Tuesday and took a stab at President Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan, pondering the idea that America’s greatness “never existed.”

“When I hear these things about let’s make America great again, I think to myself, ‘Exactly when did you think America was great?’” Holder said.

He pointed to a few examples for his reasoning: “It certainly wasn’t when people were enslaved. It certainly wasn’t when women didn’t have the right to vote. It certainly wasn’t when the LGBT community was denied the rights to which it was entitled.”

On Saturday, Payne told “Fox & Friends” his personal story of why he is grateful to have been born in the United States, a stark contrast to Holder’s comment.

He also noted that he believes people “conflate great with perfect.”

The seeds of greatness were planted with the war of Independence and the Constitution,” Payne said. “And that allowed us, and continues to allow us, to evolve.”

Payne went on to say that his grandmother used to listen for Ku Klux Klan members coming during the night hours.

He stated that even though America “wasn’t as great as it could have been” during that time, “it was the greatest country in the world, even for black people.”

“There’s no other country in the world I would have rather been born in on the day I was born than America,” Payne said.

“So maybe we timestamp it differently, but if you want to go to the origins of it, it was a fight for independence, a fight for an idea of individualism, and the seeds of the Consitution, written by imperfect individuals but as a collective, the wisdom that allows us to ultimately have freedom for black people, have women allowed to vote. Look at where this country has gone in such a short period of time.” he added.

“Posted against the rest of the world, we are the greatest country in the world,” Payne said. “And by definition, the greatest is great.”

Trump Threatens Mexico:’We Will Close The Damn Border’ If They Don’t Stop The Caravans

During a Thursday night rally in Michigan, President Trump threatened to close the southern border if the Mexican government doesn’t take more active measures to quell the migrant flood.

The President lamented the massive rise in the arrival of migrants at our border with Mexico, declaring, “Mexico could stop them so easy. … If they don’t, it’s going to cost them a hell of a lot of money. … We will close the damn border.”

This was the President repeating the threat he made in his Thursday tweet in light of new numbers from Customs and Border Patrol, which show tens of thousands of migrants arriving at our border with Mexico while immigration centers are already filled at maximum capacity.

“Mexico is doing NOTHING to help stop the flow of illegal immigrants to our Country. They are all talk and no action. Likewise, Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador have taken our money for years, and do Nothing. The Dems don’t care, such BAD laws. May close the Southern Border!” posted President Trump.

President Trump also reiterated his threat to close the south border on Twitter Friday morning, saying Mexico makes “$100 billion a year” from the United States and has the strongest immigration laws anywhere in the world and therefore should “stop illegals from entering” the U.S. “through their country.”

CBP Commissioner Kevin McAleenan spoke to reporters and said the situation at the border is nearing a “breaking point,” adding, “CBP is facing an unprecedented humanitarian and border security crisis all along our Southwest border — and nowhere has that crisis manifested more acutely than here in El Paso.”

CBP added that they were on pace to have 100,000 apprehensions and encounters with migrants illegally entering our country, with the highest month in more than 10 years.

The commissioner also said that the situation is becoming so dire that migrants are not even being processed and instead directly released into the United States because there are no facilities to house all of them.

Many Officials say what makes the situation especially dangerous is that the illegal immigrants being arrested are migrants requesting asylum who are caught and released into America for months or even years before appearing before a judge.

Ocasio-Cortez Accidentally Admitted Trump Is Right, There IS a National Emergency Crisis At The Border

Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is being cheered by her critics after she made an attempt to sound the alarm about the situation at the southern border, but her accidental argument went in favor of President Trump’s national emergency declaration.

On Tuesday, the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives failed to override the president’s veto of a resolution canceling his declaration of a national emergency at the border with Mexico, falling short of the two-thirds vote required with a final vote of 248-181.

The Dems have repeatedly argued that the situation at the border is not a crisis and thus does not merit a national emergency declaration. However, this Thursday, Ocasio-Cortez, known as ardent Trump administration critic and one of the leaders of the #AbolishICE movement, made an early morning tweet in which she highlighted just how overwhelmed our immigration system has become on account of the continued influx of migrants in recent months.

“Look at this picture,” the freshman congresswoman wrote, referencing an image of migrants behind fences under an overpass. “When you’re looking at this photo, you’re looking at a mirror. This is America. This is Texas. This is our the course of action, the one we chose. I cannot and will not accept it.”

The picture comes from a tweet by Nick Miroff, who writes in his caption: “This is El Paso right now, where hundreds of migrant families are being held in the parking lot of a Border Patrol station because there is no room for them inside, or anywhere else.”

Like hundreds of her social media posts, her immigrant post has gained the attention of many online users, including over at Twitchy, which notes that Ocasio-Cortez appears to have just made the conservative case that there is in fact a “crisis at the southern border” that requires, as President Trump argues, some “emergency” actions.

“Soooo, you’re saying it IS a crisis: AOC just accidentally admitted Trump is right, there IS a National Emergency at the border,” Twitchy’s title for its coverage of the tweet reads.

“This is an issue, but this is not an issue of family separation, Nick Miroff – if correct says these are migrant families,” writes KUTV reporter Heidi Hatch responding to AOC’s tweet. “The question is what to do with these families. No country has neighborhoods with empty homes ready to take families in the second they walk across a border.”

“I’m from Uganda. Immigration must be done legally,” writes one follower. “They are there because they went for the illegal method. If you do something illegal you receive consequences. If you’re in charge @AOC how do you deal with this situation?”

“Perhaps that photo will actually DISCOURAGE more people from breaking the law,” writes one AOC critic. “Apparently fostering a conducive environment that lures unaccompanied children to risk illegal border cross and fall prey to traffickers ISN’T an emergency,” writes another. “Omg there’s a crisis at the border,” added one Twitter user. “Well said….now AOC admits it….” replied another.

While President Trump hasn’t replied to the congresswoman’s tweet directly, he did issue his own “border crisis”-themed tweet early Thursday morning.

“Mexico is doing NOTHING to help stop the flow of illegal immigrants to our Country,” Trump wrote in a series of tweets slamming his political opponents. “They are all talk and no action. Likewise, Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador have taken our money for years, and do Nothing. The Dems don’t care, such BAD laws. May close the Southern Border!”

VIDEO: Charles Barkley Claims ‘Real Victims’ Got Screwed Over When Smollett’s Charges Were Dropped

Basketball legend Charles Barkley said that charges being dropped against actor Jussie Smollett for allegedly staging a hate crime is bad news, especially for “real” victims and the police.

On Wednesday, TMZ caught up with the NBA sports analyst and asked him if he thought the 36-year-old actor had “skated” and Barkley said, “That’s an understatement.”

“I don’t think he [Smollett] should have went to jail,” he added. “But it is unfortunate. I think it’s a really bad situation for everybody involved.”

“There’s no winners. We’re all losers.” Barkley continued.

The retired basketball star also admitted that his initial reaction was “disappointment.”

“Well, I was disappointed because it put the police in a bad light,” Barkley explained. “Those are the losers, the real victims.”

“Anybody who’s gay who gets beat up, they’re the real losers,” he added. “Or black who gets beat up, they’re the real losers.”

Last month, after reports said that the “Empire” star had gone from being the victim in the case to the alleged suspect, the NBA analyst had some solid advice for Smollett and America in a can’t-miss clip. Check it out.

“America, let me just tell you something: Do not commit crimes with checks. If you’re going to break the law, do not write a check … get cash man,” Barkley told his audience on “Inside the NBA.”

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