The Travis County Sheriff’s Office (TCSO) responded to “many boats in distress” during the “Trump Boat Parade” on Lake Travis, a TCSO...
In a new NBC News Op-Ed, Gold Star husband and a retired Army officer Joe Kent made a strong argument contrary to...
During a joint interview with her husband, ex-President Bill Clinton and April Ryan, Hillary Clinton warned Americans about the upcoming election. “The...
First Lady Melania Trump defended her husband, President Trump, against anonymous allegations that he denigrated fallen soldiers, calling the story “not true.”...
Friday evening, actress Alyssa Milano shamed fans at a Florida high school football game with a post on Twitter. The Hollywood actress...
Former National Security Advisor John Bolton disputed a story in The Atlantic claiming that President Trump called fallen World War I soldiers...
On Thursday, during an event in Kenosha Wisconsin, Joe Biden made a provocative claim that does not pass muster. Biden said “People...
Today President Donald Trump poured salt on the political wound of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi after her indoor Salon controversy. President Trump...
New video promoting Trump-Pence 2020 features the faces of President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, and other notables superimposed on children...
Today, the White House Secretary played the video of Nancy Pelosi at the San Francisco hair salon on loop and called for...
Dem Lawmaker Demands Trump To Be Suspended From Twitter “Until All Votes Are Counted”
Latino UFC Star Explains Why He Supports Trump – “I’m speaking from my heart for those who can’t speak”
Joy Behar Insults POTUS, Tells Dr. Fauci To Quit & “Become Media Darling at CNN & MSNBC”
“They Helped Create This” – Wisconsin Gov. Blames Trump & Republicans Top To Bottom For COVID Crisis
Supporter Claims Trump Will Get More Black Votes “Than Any Other Republican In History”
Melania “While The Left Choose To Focus Only On The Negative, We’ve Chosen To Focus On The American People & The Future”
“Sleepy” & “Dinosaur” – Luntz Asks Trump Supporters To Describe Biden In 1 Word
“Honestly, Yeah” Ellison Tells Cuomo Trump Has a “Real Shot” Of Winning Minnesota
Trump Rips Keith Ellison Over Rally Restrictions, Says He Didn’t Apply Them To Protesters
“Your political influence is non existent” – Kathy Griffin Trashes NFL Legend Brett Favre After He Endorsed Trump